When a transmutation takes place, resistance is removed, and Love remains. This ripples throughout consciousness. It does not mean that others get a pass to their own inner work, yet it can facilitate (to make easy) others by removing what energy we added to the mix.
The ‘laws’ of physics moves into expanded states of awareness. What once might have thought impossible, now is very natural. This can be called universal expansion.
When we apply natural law on the wholistic construct, as shown in the last 39 days, we move consciousness into ever greater states of awareness. This is necessary inner work, that continues as long as we are willing.
In the physical realm, when we remove anything less than love, regeneration occurs. In ways we may have previously thought inconceivable. Seeming miraculous, only because we previously thought it impossible.
Emotion is stimulated from thought. By the removal of unconscious thought patterns (resistance-anything less than love) which translate into emotional and physical response, we clear the space for conscious emotional and physical flow.
Thought is what creates what we call memory. Bringing memory into a contraction by containing ‘it’ in present awareness we create the opportunity to transmute. Transmutation brings expansion of consciousness, hence greater awareness.
The Universe creates in this way. Pressure of contraction pushes the spiralling force forward. Conscious evolution.
When I began my study and practice of Body Electronics, the word miracle was often used. It did seem miraculous for the blind to see, spines to straighten, scars to disappear, to shift previous perception. Yet, when we glimpse the magnitude of consciousness, we see unlimited potential. Making what once was considered miracles, quite ordinary.
When you take yourself to overwhelm within the HC, be grateful for your tenacity, your perseverance and your access to Universal Love.
We are consciousness experiencing ourselves.
The wholistic construct is given as a simple template to guide ourselves back up the evolutionary spiral of contraction/expansion.
Stillness, breath and nutrient saturation create the perfect template for contraction/expansion. From contraction, expansion into the emotional body is accessed. By containing emotion, we condense the energies to move/remove, then the expansion into the mental body is realized. It’s a perfect system.
The Universal fail safe for the expansion of consciousness is Love.
RELEASING energies that are anything less than love, is the key to continued expanded awareness.