Resistance (anything less than unconditional love), both individual and collective is the challenge we all face in this realm of existence. Through the wholistic construct, we project our resistance (and non resistance) through frequency and vibration. Most of what we project is unconscious. So let’s concentrate on what we are aware of, and seek to expand from there. Become aware of the thought patterns, word patterns and emotion that bubble up from the great beyond. Bring them to the fore, where they can be fully experienced. We can call this the onset of the healing crisis from where all wounds may be healed. Willingness to experience what arises is the first step in revealing the hidden realms of unconsciousness. It is a commitment to self, to the greater good and to our DNA, energetically tied to the past and to the future of humanity. The following links are introductions on HOW TO, which is greatly lacking in this world. This site is loaded with the knowledge of the ages. We have fallen in consciousness before, and risen from it even greater.