When technology merges with biology, we loose our natural autonomy. This is a dangerous crossroads we find ourselves as a human species. We contain everything within our natural biology to expand consciousness into ever greater awareness. If we allow the infiltration of technologies into our bodies (S.M.A.R.T), we will be held in a never ending loop of synthetic reality. I see it destroying our natural ability to evolve. Held in a never ending slave cycle by overlords who determine where we live, what we eat, how we move…etc.
There are beings on the earthly plane, that have begun the process of changing human biology without our knowledge or consent.
Children and youth are being groomed with the onslaught of devices, that program the mind and remove the capacity for independent thought. Damage to the brain and reproductive organs (and everything in between) through radiation and electromagnetic interference from cell phones, smart metres etc. are to be minimized if health and vitality is going to continue.
We have all become on some level addicted to input from technologies, that distract us from natural intelligence.
Nanotech influences are also in food, injections and are airborne from the constant spraying through the geoengineering programs.