A Little Gratitude

For those of us who are traversing the path of enlightenment, gratitude is often the Power to transmute what we are resisting. Whether it be another person, situation, disease etc., by feeling deep gratitude for how it is, without wanting or needing to change it in any way is a powerful opening to permanent change.

2 thoughts on “A Little Gratitude

  1. I appreciate you keeping this wonderful website current and giving ppl these teachings. Does keeping mindful and having an attitude with an inner and outer view of thankfulness prayerfully spoken to God make up for any resistance toward ppl and situations, bcuz it does seem to lessen its importance when more attention is given to being grateful for all the small things throughout the day, so that other weightier matters seem less significant, and then is easier to think about and deal with, even forgiven, at least for me.

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