Shine The Light

Light comes in gradient forms according to your ability to access. In the human body white light expresses prana, the chi that fuels the molecular structure. This light keeps us alive and well. That is its job. Recently someone asked me about the burning fire of the kundalini that I refer to in my work. This form of light is the fire that burns away incoherent energies. In other words anything that impedes the flow of coherent energies within the bodily structure. This light is seen as ultraviolet and can come in varying degrees of intensity. Light experienced as gold is accessed when the mental/emotional body is cleaned up through transmutation all the way to the pineal (reflexes to creativity/expansion/connection), at which point the heart centre of the body opens the auric field that glows with a golden hue. The more we release anything less than love from the emotional body, we open to the Source of all life. The process of enlightenment takes work. Inner consciousness change. My job is to facilitate this change with the willing.

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