Practise foresight. This is different than obsessing over what you want in future. Foresight is the ability to inclusively visualize the future, see many possibilities, and pick the best outcome for all involved.

Then act accordingly.

This can be done exponentially as programs and patterns are released from the unconscious/subconscious mind.

Release/transmutation happens in three major creative components; emotion, word patterns, and memory. These are the three creative energies that are stored through trama/resistance in the unconscious/ subconscious until we willingly, actively, sequentially bring these energies into awareness to be released. In terms of emotion, specifically the emotional body template we recognize in the work of Body Electronics. This upscale movement first though emotion which naturally moves from the bottom up. Unconsciousness to Enthusiasm. As we reach the level of pain within the emotional tone scale, we access that level of the mental body. In other words, by accessing emotional pain, transmuting and releasing emotional pain we open the doorway into the mental body. This is experienced differently in ever level of the 7X7.

These 7 centers have all 7 centers within, making 49 levels.

  • Level 7 is the emotion of Unconsciousness
  • Level 6- Apathy
  • Level 5- Grief
  • Level 4- Fear
  • Level 3- Anger
  • Level 2- Pain
  • Level 1- Enthusiasm (unconditional love)

Emotional pain is very different in the level of grief, to the level of anger for example. Awareness of the mental body, as we sequentially transmute our way upscale we find our level of awareness is opened ever further. When we see the way in which we have and do create through duality, we then have opportunity to move (temporarily) from emotional principles of transmutation (the three powers) to mental principles (Origin of Mental Resistance with John Whitman Ray and Doug Morrison).

As we move though this transformational process, forsight is naturally restored, with clairvoyance (inner sight), clairaudience (inner sound), clairsentience (inner knowing).

If you have questions on how to prepare for a Body Electronics Intensive, contact me @

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