The following articles (4 parts) is an excellent beginning to gaining the wisdom we need to truly heal.
The following articles (4 parts) is an excellent beginning to gaining the wisdom we need to truly heal.
The following links (with video) has loads of information on how to regain and maintain optimum health through detoxification, fasting
Resistance (anything less than unconditional love), both individual and collective is the challenge we all face in this realm of
In the 20+ years of practising Iridology, I have yet to see an eye that does not indicate parasitic infection.
If you are breathing, have the appropriate amount of willingness to implement change, and faith in the body, you can
There are so many benefits to taking liquid chlorophyll. Increasing oxygen uptake is but one. Increasing red blood cells. Chlorophyll
We need to practice intermittent detoxification, unless we are experiencing symptoms of imbalance. Then we must be on a full
When we observe our thoughts and words as a black and white scenario (duality), this is an all or nothing
Each of us individually has the responsibility to our own and our families health. This begins well in advance of
Everything and every no-thing has a resonance, through frequency and vibration. We resonate with others (or not), according to the
1. Parasite 2. Candida 3. Liver Detox 4. Metals After more than 4 decades of practising intermittent detoxification, I have
We have 3 main ways to put our power of creativity into the wholistic construct, via the electromagnetics of the
First steps in changing compulsions, habits, addictions, is to become increasingly aware of their presence. From here we can take
One of my teachers used to say “we are 99% unconscious and if we argue with that we are 100”.
In February of 2020 I went from being a perfectly healthy 59 year old, to completely unwell. I went through
When technology merges with biology, we loose our natural autonomy. This is a dangerous crossroads we find ourselves as a
The Mental Body- Encompassment Of Duality When pain is felt (emotional), intensified, loved and released (self forgiveness is necessary here),
Deepening the knowledge of the emotional body. Principle # 3- Let it happen/Make it happen simultaneously. As we ascend upward
If you haven’t read Part 1, begin there. This is a sequential educational process. We now know how to begin
WHOLISTIC SELF HEALING- A continuous journey of regeneration. This material is focused on practices and principles that bring healing to
Peruse the following links to go deeper into the practices of detoxification in our modern world.
To be aware of the mental body and the dualistic program there, we must transmute emotional pain. Level 2 on
Enjoy over 10 years of written and video content on wholistic health and consciousness. Find Logic In Sequence Books 1,2
Our liver is fundamental to life. A few of it’s near 500 functions are; Staves off infection, toxins, metals etc.
Illia has over 3 decades of application, study and experience in profound methods of Wholistic Health & Consciousness. She has
Inner Knowing Intuition comes from a greater/ broader light frequency than what the senses can perceive. An intersection of unadulterated
The Gnostic Way are men and women who are committed to personal freedom. We do so through the study and
The pulse of the torus field. As represented by the moving sphere of what we call the Yin/Yang symbology, we
In over 30 years in practice, I have worked with countless people who seek healing within the field of wholistic
 Giving and Receiving. What, when and how much is at the core of each interaction. This requires discernment, which increases
On Zero Ohms Resistance It is now August 2005, and I am still in process of the uprooting of aspects
Illia has 30 + years experience in private practice in the field of wholistic health and consciousness. See Illia’s Bio
If you have found benefit from my work; E-TRANSFER to wholehealthcentre111@gmail.com or DONATE through PayPal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=AEGT7ELKAFDTJ Thank you for what
DETOXIFICATION IS AN IMPORTANT PRACTICE IN A WHOLISTIC LIFESTYLE The following are a few ways of detoxifying that I have
Our eyes tell a story. The iris reflects your story. This is seen as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, in
Observation evolves from external influence (life happening to us) into consistent awareness of the internal (yang) and external (yin) activity
On January 1, 2025 begins the 5th annual 43 DAY WHOLISTIC FAST. This year I will be focusing on the
In person sessions near Nelson, BC are available to those who have a deep willingness to heal, and have not
Meditate internally on this symbol until you see it in three dimensions, moving in its perfection. This is the flow
I’m four plus years into a ketogenic diet, in combination with intermittent fasting, nutrient saturation and detoxification. Regeneration begins on
Anything and everything that is not natural to the wholistic construct of life, is leading us into the trap of
There are as many levels of empathy as there are people. From nearly none to a full on capacity to
How well we have developed our character (the conscious connection with pure unconditional love within), is reflected in how we
Learning to be in control of ones self, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually leads to incremental levels of true power
It is now August 2024. Life is a synchronicity/alignment into the flow of creation/Love. Anything we do, say, think or
The energies these three conjure can be on the spectrum from desperation to ego manifestation, and everything in between. Coming
In my work I use an emotional road map that resonates with the endocrine system. Emotional energy anchored into the
This pattern of thought (mostly unconscious) is found within the mental programming of humanity. The ones who want to be
In the past couple of years I have seen many medical doctors (this includes anyone indebted to their colleges such
How do we heal? By facing the pain and suffering that we have created for our self. Internal honesty. Be
After twenty years of actively instructing and facilitating Body Electronics, it is now time upgrade. I have integrated the principles
There has been a lot of talk lately of the third dimension being a simulation. I do not like that
We make decisions with the minute amount of conscious awareness we have. To give out of the goodness of your
All of my discoveries have been gleaned by experience, intuition and research. In that order. When I was a small
As in all of my work, we begin disciplines on the physical level. Remove: 1. Sugar (include alcohol, corn syrup/fructose,
Everything I share in terms of health, consciousness, lifestyle, supplements, nutrition, emotional transmutation, collapsing dualities, expanding spiritual awareness…etc. comes from
May we be conscious of what is Love, and radiate that. How do we consistently become more aware of the
Purifying the body, emotion, mind and spirit (in that order), is imperative to awareness. Awareness is necessary for self healing.
Read through the following preparation protocols before booking a session. I do not see anyone in person who has taken
Consciousness is where we make permanent, lasting change that expresses in the here and now. This requires the letting go
These are words that generalize complex processes. What makes vibration? The ripple effect from the frequency. What makes frequency? The
Here is a brief look at what we can do to reduce exposure to EMF’s. The following link looks at
No matter how emotionally painful, by intensifying emotion (willingness), we increase the ratio of transmutation. What gets released is equal
Being perfectly still, while being aware of the body’s compulsion to move, disciplines the internal energies. The electrical energies then
How do we implement consciousness change? From the bottom up. Physical principles. Begin by removing from our life, that which
Transcending resistance to life requires the gradual transmuting of anything less than love. One resistance at a time. Awareness is
Light comes in gradient forms according to your ability to access. In the human body white light expresses prana, the
The following testimony is from a client who has experienced the maximum 12 sessions of Acupressure. Pauline arrives with her
For those of us who are traversing the path of enlightenment, gratitude is often the Power to transmute what we
The emotional level at which we resonate determines our conscious awareness. This is a simple road map. 7X7= 49 LEVEL
Our physical earthly environment has been compromised with toxicity. For the liver to keep up with processing out this heavy
Miracle- an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses known human or natural powers and is ascribed
To Whom It May Concern; Illia began studying Body Electronics with great dedication in 1999. Attending a BE seminar with
Join Illia on a magnificent journey into the evolution of consciousness. PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES EMOTIONAL PRINCIPLES MENTAL PRINCIPLES SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES
Clarification of CV injections and Body Electronics Intensives held by me. For those interested in attending my Intensives, I will
Body Electronics teaches How We Heal, by traversing the wholistic construct through the encouragement of the Healing Crisis. Here we
The past three plus years has brought many aspects to the fore. Obviously, health has been a focus of much
Sessions wholehealthcentre111@gmail.com Testimonials
Correction- Carbs from vegetables- not zero carbs..I meant to express my removal of all carbs from grains.
Following the release of emotion and word patterns that were attached to thought/memory, we witness changes in our internal and
AIR- WATER- FOOD- SILVER FILLINGS Here is some inspiration to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the body. In
Creation & Uncreation Energy moves through the wholistic construct of spirit, thought/vision, emotion into the physical. In that order. As
Remove Poisons Planned to Usher In Transhumanism. In my observation and experience, it is clear to me we are well
Resurrection through the lens of Body Electronics- Easter 2022 Jeshua’s experience, that we now call Easter, was born of sanctification.
Patterns represent the energies that sustain them. Becoming aware of resistance patterns we hold internally, is the first step to
12 Points on Enzymes Every time we eat/drink anything other than water, our body has to produce insulin. By removing
For those of you preparing for the upcoming Body Electronics Intensives, How We Heal by Doug Morrison is the place
The wholistic construct is simplistically described as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. In Body Electronics we work with each of
The human brain runs on electromagnetic frequencies. These frequencies are then connected to the endocrine glands which resonates with the
Jane Brown was a exceptional Body Electronics mentor and friend. She passed in 2012 at the age of 94. We
Recently I have been organizing information for future Pointholding groups. I counted how many points are to be held pre
Body Electronics was given to me to share widely. This wholistic healing modality is shared and practiced within groups, facilitated
Morphogenic Resonance We know the experiments called ‘the hundredth monkey’. We know energy is not contained by time and space.
Three levels of consciousness in the emotional body. We see movement of consciousness displayed in these three categories. In the
Creation & Uncreation Learning and applying the necessary components of transmutation upon the biological template begins rapid evolution of consciousness.
Prerequisites 1. Work through the Pointholding flow sheet completing main endocrine, spinal and organ points. This is approximately 23 Pointholding
For sale on Amazon
Within the wholistic construct of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, we transmute our way through resistance (anything less that
BODY ELECTRONICS Implementing wholistic protocols while actively changing consciousness is imperative to a vital life. On my Body Electronics YouTube
What does it mean to be awake? Fundamentally it has to do with the amount of unconsciousness one holds. In
Changing consciousness is the internal action of releasing anything less than love. We do this through the wholistic construct of
Body Electronics is a wholistic (body, emotion, mind & spirit) healing practice, founded by the late Dr. John Whitman Ray.
I was the first in my class to decide I wasn’t going to sing god save the queen, at the
It is in the attachment to expectation that many unconscious patterns are perpetuated. If we complain, we will find things
My work has expanded beyond the teachings of Body Electronics. It includes the principles that I taught in B.E., with
Every thought and every word (written, spoken both externally and internally) gains power as we move up through the scale
Illia provides you with an individualized protocol in an Iridology Session. This includes information to increase vitality though detoxification and
Unconsciousness in the practice of Body Electronics is level 7 on the scale of emotion. The hallmarks of expressions of
Fasting until noon on freshly made organic celery juice helps break down accumulations of toxicity.
A Wholistic Perspective This post is a brief look into a few physical ways to encourage the body to heal.
Detoxification for; 1. Parasite, Fungi, Bacteria, Viral 2. Radiation & Electromagnetic Pollution 3. Chemical Accumulation 4. Metal Accumulation 5. Nano
Dates and times for Nelson, B.C. TBA Write your interest in comments, or email me. wholehealthcentre111@gmail.com
We observe through the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies the movement of simplicity to complexity. During a Healing Crisis
January 2022 with Illia Heart. How to implement wholistic change, physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually. In person Consultation at ManiStone
I am facilitating near Nelson, B.C., IN PERSON, or ONLINE
We are living now, in the culmination of well over 100 years of chemical industry. It has brought many advancements,
I have been checking in on David Icke for almost 30 years. In the past near 2 years I have
Illia’s Bio ONLINE Wholistic Iridology Consultation wholehealthcentre111@gmail.com
We are in a global ‘healing crisis’ . This allows us to see suppressed ‘poison‘. Poison that was hidden. This
How much POWER do you have? We can gauge this by finding where we resonate on the emotional tone scale.
Power & Control- Gateways to the Ascension Of Consciousness-Or Not We seek not to be controlled in outer circumstances. We
Externalized pressure brings focus. Wholistically speaking, consciousness resides within the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energies. Through frequency of vibration.
A Conscious Exercise Today I look at the ways in which my mind identifies with anything. At what emotional level
A Calling If you have participated in my WHOLISTIC FAST of 43 days, you will have experienced Healing Crisis. This
Line In The Sand You can see by the work I have shared over the last 30+ years, that transmutation
Illia’s DAILY DETOX BATH Good quality salt. 1 Cup (or more) per bath. I use grey salt, epsom, or Himalayan
WELCOME! May enthusiasm flourish as we initiate change. This 43 day process will push your buttons, reveal your addictions and
This WHOLISTIC FAST is a template for regeneration through the wholistic construct of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual evolution. We
The energy of what is called kundalini sits at the base of the spine, connecting our physical bodies to the
To begin anew. Each moment has this potential. In my life I have sought ceremony as self initiation. Body Electronics
INTRODUCTORY BOOKLET to the practise of B.E. Click on link below for a preview. $12 CA https://www.amazon.ca/Body-Electronics-Experience-Illia-Heart/dp/1986762408/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1MKJ44QJ7BVKX&keywords=the+body+electronics+experience&qid=1685215029&sprefix=the+body+electronics+experience%2Caps%2C184&sr=8-1&asin=1986762408&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1
Dan Sewell Ward created this site over 20 years ago. I remember in 2005 he interviewed me in regards to
Both of these books are available through The Self Realization Fellowship.
Illia Heart accepts students who are committed to learning and practicing the art and science of Kriya Yoga. Contact her
The Gnostic Way is the application of self initiating principles of emotional and mental evolution that facilitates the ascension of
Healthy pH! Water (hydration) is the primer to a healthy pH. Minimum hydration requires 1/2 the body’s weight in ounces
Commonly free will is thought to be the freedom to choose. Yet, how free is this choice if it is
There are 7 dosha’s (constitutions) of the human family. Vata- element of Air Pitta- element of Fire Kapha- element of
As described in the Veda’s, we are shown these three qualities called Gunas. Let’s look at them wholistically. Tamasic can
Inherent in healing crisis is the desire and willingness for change. As a human collective we are entering the inevitable
Here I attempt to describe in limited language the multidimensional aspects of inner vision. Use your innate capacity to hear
If you have been following my work, you will have put together the puzzle of conscious creativity. 1. Rapid, conscious
We meet in the fractality (movement of consciousness )of what we call heart in conscious realization of the power present
The Gnostic Way is an educational process, that when applied builds the foundation for profound and lasting consciousness change. It
The word Kriya denotes a sacred act. Yoga is to connect and align these ‘actions’ with the source of all
I practice regular detoxification. This began early in life when I realized accumulated toxicity through skin issues. It was clear
Third dimension is expressed in physical manifestation. Fourth dimension is present in emotional and mental energy. Fifth dimension is met
Facing uncomfortable feelings that arise when confronted with awareness of anything less than love, requires willingness. When entering the mental
One simplistic description of a healing crisis is; ‘it gets worse before getting better’. This happens when stimulation, circulation, activation
Self awareness is the foundation to freedom. Self reliance builds on self awareness to continue in the evolutionary spiral of
In 2005 I first saw this petroglyph outside of Sedona AZ in a place called Palakti.At that time I was
Enjoy the crescendo of energies. Let us look ever more closely at the attachment we place in thought word and
Beginning when I was a small child I was routinely visited by spiritual beings and E.T.’s. They told me of
When we embark on the quest to be more conscious, we first face our unconscious. What might we expect? One
I have pondered over the years, how the marketing of products high in simple sugars are done strategically around holidays.
By moving conscious energy through the emotional body, with active transmutation we find places of heightened enthusiasm that resonates with
Duality has seeming contradictions. Feel/see into duality, as we move from the emotional body into the mental body. Dualistic thought
Online Online Sessions Thoughts from participants. “I have benefited from Illia’s Sessions and Intensives for nearly two decades. As a
A story of one earth teaching. It was early summer of 1986. Backpacking in BC, I found myself on the
Principles of truth, evolution and ascension of consciousness through practical application is introduced in this booklet The Body Electronics Experience.
Principle- Feel what we feel with Love. Authentic allowing of the surfacing of suppressed emotion. I am observing the global
I see there is a new generation of people interested in the ancient teachings of Yoga. Yogananda brought the teachings
I’ve been sharing what I have been given in regards to the transformation of human consciousness for 50+ years. When
Remembering my entrance into transmutation of haunting emotion Believing awareness was synonymous with freedom from feeling the pain I could
Letting go of what? Anything and everything that does not resonate with natural law. Pure Unconditional Love. These spiritual qualities
How invested are we in hate? How is hate projected into the world? What can we do about it? I
The Gnostic Way is a culmination of principles and practices for a rapid change of consciousness, individually and collectively. These
Often you hear me speak on The Three Powers in relation to transmutation. Forgiveness, Gratitude & Love. But, what if
It is the vibration that resonates from language such as Sanskit. These can not be truly interpreted into English, yet
We may already know and practice the generosity of spirit. This means we have tapped into the unlimited essence of
Who are our enemies? Anything we resist. How do we resist? Every time we make a judgement. What is a
After experiencing an intensity within my body that effected my circulatory system, oxygen uptake, and I suspect mitochondria (could barely
Self Responsibility The looping of thought and emotion begins with unconscious projection into our environment. If you choose to delve
I woke this morning with a deep realization that I had not been owning my nature. I had allowed tiny
I’m not one for reciting biblical quotes, as I realize how much is lost in translation. Yet, I do grasp
The Three Powers Emotional transmutation occurs when we are present in the honest emotion while accessing ‘the three powers’. These
The pineal is a small yet mighty gland of the brains endocrine system. In Yogic knowing it is considered the
The Gnostic Way is up and running on YouTube. Welcome
What are truth principles? Why are they important? Truth principles is a general broad term open to interpretations of all
In this rapidly evolving world, maintaining ‘the principles’ is imperative. I am presenting a new series called Consciousness in the
In this series I delve into ways in which loving wisdom may be actuated. By clearing our preconceived ideas of
The great Yogi Narayana stated approximately 25 years ago, ” your work is being a vise vuman”. I have been
3 days of stillness as an entrance to the inner realms. However you choose to do it. With a fast.
In the energetic core of the body is the anchors of consciousness. In Sanskrit they are called chakras- spinning wheels
I produces V-tea a few years ago when looking for a healthy alternative to coffee. Here are the ingredients and
Find some of Harish Johari’s works on this site. https://www.sanatansociety.org/index.htm https://www.sanatansociety.org/yoga_and_meditation/how_to_meditate.htm https://www.sanatansociety.org/ayurvedic_massage/indian_reflexology_marmas_shiatsu.htm
Stillness opens consciousness into deepening levels of awareness. It is a ongoing process of making it happen and letting it
The five platonic solids are geometric expressions of the third dimensional matrix of creation. Each one is connected to an
Water is a conduit for consciousness. I have made bathing a ritual in my life for over 30 years. Regular
New beginnings are sacred times of enhanced conscious awareness. I am in a new home, in a new area of
Body, Mind/Emotion & Spirit. This is the construct for regeneration through the encouragement and completion of The Healing Crisis. This
I am now calling Nelson, B.C. home. I am available for Online Education again. Book here.
The incarnations of Mary Magdalene & Jeshua remain an inspiration in the present moment. It was a powerful time of
What determines the ‘sacred feminine’? In my early years of transmuting, I was faced with layers of imbalance in relation
Being human requires consistent and copious amounts of compassionate love. Both for self, and others. When we forget this energy
In the experience of life on earth we have a spectrum of light we see reflected in a rainbow. The
As a small child, from about 3-7 years of age I experienced a series of events that was to shape
In an impromptu conversation in the parking lot of the grocery store here on Salt Spring Island, the topic of
The late Great Rosalind Peterson was a true environmentalist. She worked tirelessly for the planet and all its inhabitants. Clean
One race of humans having an experience on planet earth. This is called the rainbow race. Not because of skin
What is your personal medicine? Are you sharing it? Expanding it? A dear friend shared a message with me the
How do we develop will power? Where does it come from? How do we apply it? Will power has many
The work I teach has deep roots in forgiveness. While we resonate in the lower three emotions of unconsciousness, apathy
On the road after almost 7 years of being stationary on Salt Spring Island, BC. In August 2020, I begin
To learn the basic construct of the emotional body is especially important as we traverse the higher emotions of fear,
Anger is a highly seductive emotion. It can hold us in a false sense of power and control until we
Patterns of the collective unconscious is collectively surfacing. If one has resided in griefy fear, the atmosphere is ripe for
What we resist persists. A famous statement, spoken by Jung and many others. What does this mean? In Body Electronics
This is a story about the first time I met two particular Elders, a medicine man and his wife. The
What is our lower and higher selves? Parts of us present and connect with the earth and sun. Which is
We are in the midst of a grand opportunity for the ascension of thought. Anchoring energies following transmutation into the
Isolation- 49 DAYS Its been an interesting observational time both internal and external. To be acutely aware of emotional activity,
The energy in and around us is the electrical energy that NIKOLA TESLA harnessed in his life’s work.
Japa- Meditation on Mala beads. Japa is a practice that is at least as old as the Veda’s. Japa combines
We develop equality within and then it is expressed outwardly. This inner transformation may be assisted by practicing alternate nostril
Kucho and I at the mouth of Shaman’s Cave, Machu Picchu, Peru. 2004, following ceremony. This candid picture was taken
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali describes Kriya Yoga essentially as Hatha, Jnana and Bhakti. The teachings I share are from
I went to Peru with Drunvalo to participate in ceremony around the prophesy of the Condor and the Eagle. These
Like everything else we think, do and say, it comes from the level of emotion that we are resonating in.
WOLF MEDICINE How do we develop humility? We watch the ways in which we are not expressing equality. Individually and
Illia speaks on emotional evolution. The simple principle of ‘feel what we feel with love’.
Attention to the body. Attention to the emotion. To begin. 1. Body perfectly still. 2. Tongue rests gently on the
33 days alone- April 2020 Seven Sacred Teachings Dave Couchere and the Turtle Lodge.
What is the heart’s desire in its multitudinous layers and levels? 1. To be in alignment with natural law. 2.
The nature of duality presents itself physically in the body (cellular)centralizing in the brain of all living creatures. This complex
Soul sovereignty is a relative term. In human reality this process is an ongoing one. It happens in increments from
I am watching the arising patterns both individual and collective. I imagine B.E. Veterans the world over practicing in their
Beyond the fire of personal responsibility, exists the Law Of Grace. I have experienced this many times in my 30+
We are experiencing a change in our lives here in 2020. This change is an indicator of where we are
Suppression is held in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual unconscious. In Body Electronics Intensives, we are asking ourselves for
The self love of which I am speaking, is an energy we practice in the dark of the night. A
To lovingly and willingly endure is a great place to start the emotional transmutation process. Whether this is with memory
Here are preparations for Botanical Liver Cleanses. DIY Botanical Detox. A simple liver cleanse is Burdock Root & Dandelion Root.
We are all self medicating. To what degree does it run our life? Using a substance or activity that has
We all experience resistance to trauma. It is a natural defense mechanism. Where we experience the resistance in the scale
A variation of this Ojibwe formula was once called Essiac. I added an ingredient; Chaga and named it Detox with
This product is inspired by Edgar Cayce and a Seneca medicine woman. I have been making this for clients for
Jeshua Ben Joseph was quoted as saying something in translation like ‘be like a little child’. There have been times
Higher and lower natural law requires we recognize and apply lower law to support the higher laws. A wholistic detox
EMOTIONAL DETOX Emotion is present within every aspect of life. Transmuting emotion allows for clear space to experience increased creativity,
Pure intent is not a static notion, it is the energy without agenda in any given moment. This comes clearer
The four points of the year according to the Sun are times in which the power and intensity of life
Online Sessions for individuals and groups, assist to prepare you for Body Electronics Intensives. Logic In Sequence Book 1 is
UNCONSCIOUSNESS- Level 7- Gonads (testes in men, ovaries in women). All or nothing mentality. Lack of awareness. Words- all, everything,
What is Service? The ability to assist others on the evolutionary path. “As human beings we have a tremendous responsibility to
If we are human we are filled to capacity with trauma. How we differ is in the way we receive
Let’s consider 90+ % of our individual consciousness is unconscious. That of which we are not aware. From our soul
Moving from creating with brain power, to the singularity. The brain has an electomagnetic field that is primarily fueled by
The BODY ELECTRONIC EXPERIENCE In BODY ELECTRONICS there are four interconnected aspects. Learn to revitalize the body and mind. Open
In July of 2019, I was visiting my sons in Southwest Ontario, Canada. On a beautiful clear morning I was
To know the way in which emotion travels has been helpful in my transmutation process. Here is a simplified explanation.
HOW WE HEAL and The Body Electronics Experience is required reading in preparations for Intensives held by me. Logic In
Shamanism is a dance between worlds. People trained in soul retrieval or soul recovery as it is sometimes called, learn
Market days on Salt Spring Island is one of my venues for Stone Medicine. I also hold Sale Days in
“In emotion lies the doorways to great change.” Illia Heart Asking is paramount to change. Change of consciousness requires several
To maintain or regain vibrant health &/or prepare for the inner work of consciousness change. The Gnostic Way (where Body
Harmony within the duality. Dualistic thought is greatly determined by the level of emotion one resonates in. Lets look at
In future I will again lead some journey’s in and around the Sedona, AZ Red Rocks. This will include a
The Filters of the Mental & Emotional Body’s The processing/releasing of trauma begins with a willingness to change. Practically it
In Body Electronics we focus on consciousness change from a wholistic perspective. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Illia has taught
Join Illia Heart for a 2 Day Workshop in The Gnostic Way. Gnosis is knowledge acquired through direct spiritual/mystical experience.
Surrender is a feeling. This feeling is a choice. The opportunity for surrender happens at each level of emotion in
The emotional body construct in Body Electronics. It is a simple 7 level system. Within those main 7 levels are
 What is Body Electronics?  Mastery of Consciousness Change resulting in Bodily Regeneration “Body Electronics is in part, a method of
The old adage ‘don’t put off for tomorrow, what can be done today’ may be applied to consciousness change. Life
 A glimpse at the complexity of sexual energies.  All living beings are interested in sex as a expression on so
 This powerful Detoxification formula was given to me in the 1980’s by Ojibwe elders. With their guidance I have been
Let’s take a look at an emotional body construct, in an effort to understand emotional evolution. The emotional body model
The Golden Rule; Do onto others what you would have them do unto you. Simple enough…in daily practice it has
Logic In Sequence-Book 3 There is an profound book written on the electrification of matter, by Dr. John Whitman Ray.
Cognitive dissonance has its feet in denial. Where is it? How do we change it? When we choose to change,
What is wholistic evolution? How may it be implemented in my life? Illia teaches the ‘how to’ in practical effective
Lovingly and willingly endure all things. Justification is a state of consciousness that loops in the body below the level
1 hour Consultation- $100 This time provides a platform to present questions. Illia offers an individualized nutritional program to detoxify
The Rainbow Prophesy was told to me as a small child. In adult years I was reminded many times of
Sacred Geometry- how does this relate to Sexuality? Here is a visual how the five platonic solids (building blocks of
Below is a FREE PDF of Wholistic Health Made Easy. This book will help you increase your success in the
Wholistic Health Made Easy with Illia MARCH 7- 10-3 Salt Spring Island, BC-2020 This one day workshop is packed with
As many know, I have practiced Body Electronics for over 20 years and taught B.E. for more than 18. This
Yogananda brought Kriya Yoga to the West. Autobiography of a Yogi is still a best seller.
The depth of grief is directly related to our depth of praise (gratitude). In this hour with Martin Prechtel, author
In Body Electronics we discover one of humanities creative principles: words/vibration. Energy is translated into words from patterns of thought.
1. ENZYMES I rescued the Body Electronics VHS tapes before complete degradation in the early 2000’s, by hiring someone to
The Living MerKaBa is consciously created and sustained.This electromagnetic field around our body is connected to the brain. Coherent brain
For brewing details click here Detox Botanical Formulas
To more fully understand the ever evolving consciousness in terms of geometry and creation, we must have an understanding of
First comes physical health. Consciousness change follows this in the human unfoldment. I have been speaking with many people recently
Conservationism This is a teaching that I continuously infuse in daily life. It is not merely action based, it is
With a focus on building a healthy vitality, Illia prepares an individualized program beginning with an Iridology Consultation. The wholistic
We may choose to evolve our patterns consciously, or wait until we unconsciously bring them into our reality. Pain is
The Gnostic Way Surrender~Oxford Dictionary; ‘Stop resisting to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority’. Wiki- To surrender
Wholistic Iridology – Currently seeing clients ONLINE and in person near Nelson, BC, Canada. This consultation focuses on a individualized
 The exchange of energies within the matrix of life, in regards to giving and receiving is so multifaceted that it
Gratitude Forgiveness Love The Three Powers of Transmutation of the Emotional Body. We have access to this power each and
Stone Medicine is a passion of mine, sharing the stones that volunteer for relocation. I ask permission before I purchase
Healing Crisis Hering’s Law of Cure has been accepted for many years as the basic underlying definition of the healing
Patterns are born and perpetuated by habitual resistance of our creation. We create our reality through the filters of judgement,
 What is Body Electronics? The Mastery of Bodily Regeneration “Body Electronics is in part, a method of sustained acupressure which
Sessions near Nelson, BC Illia has 30+ years in Wholistic Practice. Read protocols prior to booking a session. Combining decades
The electromagnetic spectrum of light is an interplay of giving and receiving. This is naturally present within the human body,
Healing Crisis Being active participants in the unfolding of our own potentialities, begins the inner process of releasing anything less
Hand Crafted Jewelry on Salt Spring Island One of a kind pieces on Salt Spring Island, B.C. Canada. Also available
Sweetgrass Baskets & Turtles This week’s additions- SWEETGRASS~~~~
Wholistic Consultation with Illia Online Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. wholehealthcentre111@gmail.com to BOOK YOUR ONLINE CONSULATION. Layer by layer
The Art Of Mental Transmutation Testimonial to Illia’s work.  “To people who may hear this, specifically friends and clients of
Flower Essence Botanical Remedy’s from Wild Rose College of Natural Healing. https://wildrosecollege.com/encyclopaedia_section/flower-essences/a/buttercup-fe/ Flower Essence Consultation $77/ hr This includes your
The Burning Times by Donna Read, National Film Board of Canada
Into The Womb Sessions with Illia. This is a inner process of self healing. Illia applies acupressure and facilitates, while
Body Electronics is a wholistic healing modality, practised through the study and application of principles in a group setting. During
 ~Wholistic Events~ Body Electronics Intensive~ Salt Spring Island~ Dates TBA~ Request to join the Facebook group page The Gnostic Way
Book can be ordered here The Body Electronics Experience by Illia Heart is a compilation of preparation prerequisites for Illia’s
7 Direction Medicine Wheel~ Part 1 The Medicine Wheel is a physical representation of spiritual energy that is ever evolving.
Botanicals I suggest using most botanicals 2-3 x’s, to get all of what the plant has to give. Chaga is
Contemplating 2020. Personal Wellness Retreats, Acupressure Sessions, Courses, Online Sessions. Starting with 4 Discourses: For wholistic health practitioners, as well
Join me on January 1st, 2025 for the 5th annual 43 DAY WHOLISTIC FAST.