WHOLISTIC SELF HEALING- A continuous journey of regeneration.
This material is focused on practices and principles that bring healing to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of life. This is for educational purposes only. It is in no way intended to diagnose, cure or to prescribe.
Effective Detoxification, Nutrient Saturation, Emotional Transmutation, Regaining Vibrant Health Naturally.
“If we expect to be healthy in this day and age, we must regularly detoxify” Illia Heart
In my observation and experience, it is clear to me we are well on the way to the destruction of the natural biological and spiritual magnificence of life on earth. It is imperative we do everything in our power to turn that around. By remaining as natural as possible and to thwart the onslaught of chemicals, electromagnetic radiation, heavy metals, nanotechnology, neurological interference through frequency, genetic altering through injectables, poisoned food, water and air. Let’s begin with the pathways of elimination. By supporting the cleanliness of these five, we open the doorways of efficient detoxification. In so doing we allow the proteins’ that clog up the lymphatic system to be released.
- Urinary
- Gastrointestinal
- Liver
- Skin
- Lungs
Each of us are unique in many ways. Constitution, exposure to toxins, digestion, our mental/emotional capacity to let go, diet, air quality etc.
One of the most important formulas of detoxification/healing was given to me by an Ojibwe elder. I added Chaga to it, making it the most effective plant detoxification formula I have encountered in over 30 years of practice. It was instrumental in my Dad’s recovery from 4th stage multiple myeloma, cancer in the red plasma cells of the bone marrow. A difficult cancer to heal. Read the following post link for details on this.
Consider each of the following in your process of detoxification.
- Hydration- Water quality and amount.
We must be aware of the importance of water. Dr. Masaru and Kazuko Emoto’s work on water and consciousness is inspirational, displaying cause and effect experienced through the element of water. Sound (vibration), energies of words (internal, verbal or energetically internal), affects water directly. Water embodies the energies it is exposed to. Pure intent (love) is expressed in water. So is hate. As we are made up of mostly water, it is an inspiration to remove anything less than love from our consciousness which allows natural coherence (everything working together in harmony). Water holds the frequency of thought, word and emotion. Internally and externally.
Make WATER (optimal hydration) a foundation for a healthy detox.
Drink sufficient amounts ( according to your weight) of the best quality SPRING WATER you can find. In the book, The Bodies Many Cries For Water, Dr Batmangalij suggests minimal hydration is one half your body weight in ounces per day. Be mindful to have sufficient amounts of electrolytes so the water can properly assimilate. Sodium (good quality salt), Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium. Potassium is the main electrolyte to determine the amount of water inside the cells. Sodium is the main electrolyte to determine the amount of water outside the cells. Together they create what is called the sodium/potassium pump. We need approximately 5000 mg of potassium every day.
2. Digestion/Elimination
Help Heal Insulin Resistance, Inflammation, Lymphatic Congestion and More with Enzyme Therapy
We cannot speak on digestion without first emphasizing digestive enzymes and probiotics. These two essential supplements are imperative to healthy digestion and elimination.
a) Digestive Enzymes containing amylase for carbohydrate/sugars (regenerate the pancreas). Lipase for the digestion of fats. Protease for the digestion of protein. For best results, take before meals.
b) Extra protease is important for breaking down old congestion (lymphatic) from undigested proteins. Best taken at bedtime and away from food when lymphatic congestion is present (always).
c) Serrapeptase– excellent results taken at bedtime and morning away from food. There are studies that indicate the absorption of serrapeptase is more efficient taken with small amounts of zinc. It is a slight blood thinner.
d) Nattokinase- breaks down fibrous growth and tumors over time, consistency is key.
e) Probiotics taken at bedtime, more regularly if candida is present.
3. The Liver
Liver function is fundamental to a healthy life.
The liver regenerates at a tremendous rate when given supportive conditions.
A few of it’s near 500 functions are;
Staves off infection, toxins, metals, plastics, nano particulates etc. by trapping it like a net, and sending it to the kidneys to be excreted. Everything we eat, drink, breath or are exposed to via the skin is filtered through the liver. Hence the importance of keeping the liver consistently clean.
Accumulations To Consider
- Parasite, Fungi, Bacterial & Viral Infections
- Radiation
- Chemicals
- Metals
- Nano Particulates and micro plastics
These five decrease vitality. Detoxification must be made a priority if we are to be free from influences that make the immune system vulnerable and weak.
Physical principles are foundational to wholistic health (emotional, mental and spiritual).
It is known that certain individuals have less than the best interest for the health of humanity, that in fact have created ways to reduce health, hidden ways to heal and even to induce death. This may give us impetus to change.
As I said, every person is unique in the ways we are vulnerable to all of the above, according to accumulations, current health, and constitution.
We are on this path of freedom as self responsible individuals, yet within the healing crisis it is helpful to have a learned family member, friend or trusted natural health practitioner to encourage continuation.
Begin with a good quality natural parasite cleanse, that includes wormwood and black walnut husk and bark. Do the cleanse intermittently 3x’s to rid the body of hatchlings.
There is a connection to physical parasites and entities. I call it the gut/spirit connection.
Remove all sugars, wheat, corn, soy, rice, potatoes, sweet fruits (apples, bananas) and alcohol to stop feeding candida and other fungi and parasites.
As we move the parasitical energies out of the physical level, we become increasingly aware of the auric field repairing itself. Here we begin to see where the patterns exist in consciousness, that opened our self to the entrance of undesired entities and thought forms. From this awareness, transmutation is actively applied which in turn closes the openings in our individual auric field. This helps to free up the morphogenetic field by removing discordant energies.
Commanding (lovingly and with respect) that the parasitic energies leave now in the Light of Love and not to return is effective in the removal of entity involvement.
Seal the holes in the auric field with awareness and expansion of love. Holding this energy of love, keeps the auric field strong. This is directly related to thought, emotion and words. Internally and externally.
Begin from 6 PM to noon, making for a 6 hour eating window. Closing this to one hour can be very helpful in healing the digestive tract. Take great care to consume necessary nutrients when doing this. I manage this for the Spring and Summer, but when the cold comes in the Mountains of Canada in the fall, I extend the window to 4 hours; 20:4. Approximately 12 noon until 4. Celery juice, supplements and lemon water may be taken outside of your window of eating. It assists to clear the organs of elimination, and provides much needed sodium and potassium, and does not spike insulin. If you have health issues, a weekly one day fast assists in greater autophagy. Beyond intermittent fasting, I add a one day fast with lemon water and supplements. This gives a great reset.
I have practiced many forms of fasting over 30+ years. This allows a mental/physical clarity without the cravings and compulsions that develop by eating high carb/sugar diets. Start with the removal of sugars and wheat, as well as starch such as bananas and potatoes. From there, remove rice and soy as well as other grains. Your pancreas and liver will thank you. See the 43 Day Wholistic Fast on this site for a comprehensive fasting process.
Sunshine activates many essential biological functions. It is different every day. Start in the spring and built a base.
Turmeric Powder- 1 teaspoon
Ginger Powder- 1 teaspoon
Ashwagandha- 1/4 teaspoon
Shatavari– 1/4 teaspoon
Cardamom- 1/4 teaspoon
Cinnamon- 1/4 teaspoon
Begin the morning with a tablespoon in a large cup. Add 2/3 cup with boiling water.
Whisk briskly.
Add 1/3 coconut milk (carton).
Finish with a pinch of cardamom powder or fresh ground black pepper to activate the healing potential in turmeric.
Some of the mixture settles. Add more boiling water and coconut milk & whisk.
Your adrenal glands will love it, lacking the addictive adrenaline shock of daily caffeine in coffee or black tea.
Drinking Vitality after dinner will assist the lowering of cortisol levels, making sleep easier.
It is important while fasting to provide the body with necessary nutrients. This cannot be done by eating alone. Supplementation is required. Trace minerals are one of those necessities. Also, we need to top up potassium each day. If you lean towards a healthy keto diet, foods such as bananas and potatoes are not consumed (recommended), so we have to rely heavily on leafy greens. For this reason I supplement small amounts of potassium 3x daily in addition to eating lots of foods containing K+.
What we put on your skin is absorbed into the bloodstream. It is the largest organ of elimination.
Good quality salt. 1 Cup (or more) per bath.
I use Celtic grey salt, epsom, or pink salt from a clean source.
Quality baking soda (aluminum free). 1 Cup (or more) per bath.
Organic Mustard powder. 1 tablespoon (this induces sweating).
Basil essential oil, add a few drops just prior to getting into the bath.
Borax- (optional) 1/2 cup.
Swirl a figure 8 in the water with gratitude prior to getting in the tub. Slowly, until you feel it is prepared.
Remain hydrated.
Soak for an hour or more to receive the benefits of detoxification.
5. Three Part Breath- Strengthen The Spine
What we breath and how we breath is extremely important.
This breathing is like a piston pump to the emotional body when practiced correctly.
Lay flat, or sit with spine straight without crossing arms or legs.
Breath through the nostrils, filling the bottom of the lungs first, then sternum to clavicle.
Observe the bottom of the belly expand, breathe up until the clavicles raise.
Then exhale, first from the clavicle, to the sternum, to the bottom of the belly.
Pull in the belly muscles at the end of the exhalation, and move immediately into the inhalation, without cessation.
This is simple, yet a great percentage of the population breathes backwards.
With practice this can be reversed, and eventually will become natural again.
We are all born breathing this way.
Outdoors where there are lots of trees is optimal for breathing practice.
Stillness- Physical Principle to Encourage Access To Internal Awareness
Electromagnetic Pollution
Effects of electromagnetic pollution affect us whether we are aware of it or not.
Long term and short term health is reliant on the body’s ability to effectively detoxify. Emotional fluidity, mental programs and patterns all play their part.
To regain and/or maintain good health relies upon our willingness to learn, to develop and implement a detoxification strategy that works.
Keeping the body’s 5 main organs of detoxification clean and open is paramount.
The lymphatic and circulatory systems have a huge role in the effectiveness of detoxification. As stated above, long term supplementation of protease reduces lymphatic congestion by clearing undigested proteins.
Unnatural substances brought into the body through the lungs, skin, or through injectables, accumulate and may even replicate.
Self Medicating with drugs and alcohol etc. suppresses potential. Why do you think governments want you to keep doing it? See link below with video.
Exposure to electromagnetic pollution such as smart meters, 5g towers, cell phone radiation, earbuds, headsets, baby monitors etc. causes disruptions in the natural electromagnetic pulse which affects bodily, emotional, and mental functions.
This may induce reduced circulatory, lymphatic and electrical efficiency.
Symptoms such as reduced blood oxygen levels showing up as short term memory loss, muscle weakness, sounds heard in the head as a result of fluctuating circulation and/or inflammation of the vagus nerve, pain, heart palpitation, irregular heart beat, cold hands and feet, loss of taste and smell and a host of other debilitating conditions may be caused by metals, chemical toxicity, frequency and/or radiation.
The Importance of pH- Power of Hydrogen
We want the stomach to remain high in hydrochloric acid, with a pH of 1.5- 3.5. Many clients I see for Iridology show low stomach acid. This condition causes a lack of ability to digest and assimilate nutrients. Apple cider vinegar can be helpful for this. Also supplementing betaine hydrochloride. The ingestion of baking soda alkalizes the stomach acid, which can be helpful in the short term, yet detrimental in the long run by neutralizing stomach acids. The trick is to have a healthy pH in the stomach (acidic) and a healthy pH elsewhere (alkaline). By supporting the stomach’s acidity, and improving digestive capacity, the rest of the body does not become unnecessarily acidic with undigested proteins. This can cause lymphatic congestion. Again, supplementing with protease and a good super food enzyme is imperative to good digestion and a healthy pH throughout the body.
The removal of seed oils such as canola, soy, corn (often labeled vegetable oil), cottonseed, palm, safflower and sunflower will greatly improve digestion over time.
The pH of your urine can reflect your level of hydration/dehydration. It does not reflect blood pH, or interstitial fluids. Buy some test strips and test urine first thing in the morning. This will give you encouragement to remain on an anti-inflammatory diet (no grains or seed oils), and remain well hydrated as you see your urine become more alkaline.
Drinking the juice of 1-2 lemons each day (post digestive alkaline effect) with plenty of good quality water, as well as the juice of 1 whole celery bunch assists in the maintenance of alkalization.
REGENERATION- 5 Important Supplements
1. Enzymes
2. Raw Protein- Amino Acids
These three work interdependently within the body. Enzymes are necessary for digestion and assimilation of nutrients, carbohydrates/sugars, fats and proteins. Raw protein digested efficiently provides the nutritional profile for the production of nine essential amino acids. When provided, the other nonessential amino acids may be synthesized within the body. This provides the endocrine system the necessary nutrition for the production of hormones. When stress is put on one endocrine gland, the effects are felt throughout the system, affecting hormonal production and balance. The modern diet may consist of a bombardment of sugars whereas our pancreas is under constant stress to provide necessary enzymes. This in turn puts stress on the liver. Supplementation of high quality enzymes may assist to ease this stress, eventually allowing for physical regeneration of affected organs and glands.
- Enzymes and raw protein provide the nutrition for the formation of amino acids, precursor to hormone production.
- Protein does not perform its function unless broken down into amino acids. Hence the importance of sufficient enzyme activity. Enzymes help extract chelated minerals from food. Enzymes transform chelated minerals into an alkaline detoxifying agent which combines with acid cellular wastes and toxic settlements within the body assisting to neutralize, preparing them for elimination.
- Raw bee pollen- preferably from a local apiary, digests efficiently by crushing and is a great source of raw protein .
- Hemp Hearts are a good source of raw protein.
- Many bean sprouts are good sources of raw protein.
- Two of 9 essential amino acids, tryptophan and lysine, are destroyed by heating/cooking at approximately 110 degrees F.
- Proteins, sugars and fats may require supplemented enzymes to digest efficiently. Hormones act within the body as a catalyst in every metabolic function, endothermic and exothermic reactions which are necessary for biological transmutation; to heal and regenerate tissues and to warm or cool the body (healthy thyroid function).
3. Minerals and Trace Minerals
The body requires minerals to come from plants, or fossilized sea beds providing the extraction process does not damage the natural qualities. Minerals combined with enzymes make an alkaline agent which neutralizes the acid metabolic by-products of the cells and other toxic conditions within the body and prepares them for elimination.
“The acid-alkaline balance (pH) of the tissue fluid is controlled by minerals.” John Ray ND
Important Points on Minerals
Written by Dr. John Ray ND
1. According to Senate Document No. 264, the official publication, 99 percent of American people are deficient in minerals, and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease.
2. The body is equipped to chelate only a small amount of some inorganic elements from nature. Therefore, the body requires the minerals to come from plants in a chelated form that the minerals may be properly assimilated and utilized. The efficiency of each mineral is enhanced by balanced amounts of the others.
3. The body must maintain an adequate mineral supply to maintain a balance between internal and external pressures of the cells called osmotic equilibrium. This state must be maintained for normal cell function and continued youthful health.
4. All nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, sugars, oils, etc. require minerals for activity. All bodily processes depend upon the action of minerals.
5. Trace chelated minerals are more important in nutrition than vitamins. Vitamins can be synthesized by living matter, minerals cannot.
6. Vitamins are required for every biochemical activity of the body. Vitamins cannot function unless minerals are present.
7. Minerals are the catalysts that make enzyme functions possible. Chelated minerals combine with enzymes into an alkaline detoxifying agent which neutralizes the acid metabolic by-products of the cells and other toxic conditions within the body and prepares them for elimination.
8. Hormonal secretion of glands is dependent upon mineral stimulation.
4. Essential Fatty Acids
Hemp, Coconut oil/milk, avocado, high quality cod liver oil, grass fed butter and olive oil. Always organic. Brain and nerve function relies on EFA’s. Most of us have high Omega 6 (chicken), yet low Omega 3 (cod liver oil).
5. Probiotics- Depending on gut health, take accordingly. Always good to begin with 100 billion live culture.
Entering The Emotional Body
First Principle;
Feel what you feel with Love, Forgiveness, Gratitude.
As we release parasites, infection, entities, poor nutrition etc., and add the 5 necessary nutritional supplements required for regeneration, we begin to become aware of emotion that has been suppressed. Make time each day to release emotion that surfaces. Become familiar with the road map of emotion below. It is helpful in the transmutation process brought forth by the Healing Crisis.
The emotional body is a simple 7 level system. Within those main 7 levels are all 7 levels nested equalling 49, as shown below.
Level 7- Unconsciousness – Apathy, Grief, Fear, Anger, Pain, Enthusiasm
Resonating with gonads- ovaries/testes
Level 6- Apathy– Grief, Fear, Anger, Pain, Enthusiasm, Unconsciousness
Resonating with spleen
Level 5- Grief– Fear, Anger, Pain, Enthusiasm, Unconsciousness, Apathy
Resonating with pancreas/adrenals
Level 4- Fear– Anger, Pain, Enthusiasm, Unconsciousness, Apathy, Grief
Resonating with heart/thymus
Level 3- Anger– Pain, Enthusiasm, Unconsciousness, Apathy, Grief, Fear
Resonating with thyroid/parathyroid
Level 2- Pain– Enthusiasm, Unconsciousness, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Anger
Resonating with pituitary
Level 1- Enthusiasm– Unconsciousness, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Anger, Pain
Resonating with pineal
From this emotional format, we gain an understanding of what is happening as we are moving emotionally upscale, from level 7- bottom up (gonads to pineal). Being present and willing to feel ‘what is there’ is the first step to changing consciousness. From here we bring up from suppression, trapped emotion, memory, and words.
This is done in a meditative practice, by remaining perfectly still and breathing deep and regular without pause. When we have the emotion we increase its intensity (more willingness), venting without projection. Here we find our gratitude, forgiveness, and love for the feeling. Exactly as it is.
With emotion is a suppressed memory and word pattern. These are the three creative aspects we are looking for.
When we find all three aspects (this takes time and effort), combined with the tenacious willingness to apply principles, we encompass the memory, emotion and words, with one or more of The Three Powers- Love, Forgiveness & Gratitude.
The energy that was once trapped by resisted experience is released.
This frees up the physical and emotional body. Being nutritionally prepared (enzymes, minerals, EFA’s, raw protein, probiotics.), supports this process.
No matter what emotion surfaces, intensifying emotion increases willingness to feel.
By allowing the surfaced emotion to be present for as long as it needs, opens to even deeper willingness. It is of utmost importance to be self responsible with emotion, as not to project onto others.
As we progress upscale in the emotional body, awareness increases. As the intensity increases, this can be wrongly interpreted as getting worse, when in truth it is not.
Projection of thought/emotion and words increases in potency in relation to the emotional level it is coming from (resonating) on the scale of 7×7 (49).
From the levels of unconsciousness and apathy, the projections will be weak, as will the effect. This is a universal fail safe, for as we are evolving emotionally, we experience increased effect behind our thoughts, words and emotion.
In grief, the general memory begins to come through, and the individual senses and feels at a deeper level. This expresses itself as general memory with a perception of victimization.
When we reach the crossroads in fear, we are learning the evolutionary movement with increased willingness, lovingness, forgiveness and gratitude. This pushes us upward into the thymus, where resistance within personal relationships may be seen and resolved, providing we are actively participating in the transmutation process.
This challenges us to greater levels of participation in the transmutation process. Here great opportunities for clearing pathways both physical and emotional abound, leading us eventually to the thyroid/anger where programs and patterns of power and control surface to be released. Remember this is experienced at each level in the 7×7.
As we release suppressed patterns, regeneration occurs.
Tenacity and perseverance are necessary qualities on the path of emotional ascension.
Hi Illia, Don Plier asked me to listen to the youtube interview with you, and on it you refer to Logic and Substance. I’d like to read that, and I don’t see it in the list of articles and books on your site. I’m wondering if it’s called something else. Is that the How to Heal book? Thanks.
The 3 books are called Logic In Sequence. You will find them from the search tab.