Unconsciousness Made Conscious= Freedom

One of my teachers used to say “we are 99% unconscious and if we argue with that we are 100”. Looking at this statement reveals the true nature of how unconsciousness is created.


Resistance occurs when we attach to one side of a duality (often judged as virtuous), while denying or opposing the other. Both sides are resistance.

This resistance is imposed upon consciousness through thought, word and emotion. Our three creative energies. By bringing the unconscious patterns of thought, word and emotion into presence, we then have the opportunity to release whatever comes up, which makes room for conscious awareness.

In this way we attain greater levels of freedom.

Being truly conscious requires the willingness to feel. Particularly pain.

Here are some posts on the evolution of the emotional body. The links on these will assist you to dive deeper into the complexities of changing consciousness.

The path out of resistance is one emotional level at a time.

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