An Ounce Of Prevention…..

Each of us individually has the responsibility to our own and our families health. This begins well in advance of having children, preferably. We have to be constantly educated to new ways of food production, as nutrition is foundational to good health.

Supplementing has become necessary to keep up with the stresses we endure through air, water and food quality.

Intermittent detoxification is also foundation to the maintenance of robust health. Prior to pregnancy is optimal. Detoxification is not recommended during pregnancy or breast feeding.

I prepare a botanical DETOX for purchase within Canada. The entire formula and preparations are available on this site for those outside of Canada, or for those who DIY.

Getting the right amount of sun regularly is extremely important, as is good sleep and dreams.

Exercise is also near the top of the list. Keep moving, massage yourself, bathe, keep electromagnetic interference to a minimum. So many aspects to be aware of for sustaining our health and vitality.

Having fun, outdoor activities, listening to or making uplifting music, creating what inspires you, spending time with good friends is also important.

Beyond the physical foundation is emotional, mental and spiritual aspect of our wholistic health. Consciousness change in the evolutionary direction is supported by physical health.

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