The Logic In Sequence series is out of print. They are gifted below. I suggest downloading and printing them. How We Heal, and The Body Electronics Experience is still in print. These 5 books are foundational to prepare for the inner work of Body Electronics.

Body Electronics is a wholistic healing modality, practised through the study and application of principles in a group setting. During Intensives we learn to give and receive sustained acupressure we call Pointholding. The Pointholding process unlocks the memory, emotion and word patterns that is contained in the crystaline structures that attach to the physical body. It is then we have the opportunity to release resistance. In doing so, we change consciousness and move ever closer to the natural qualities of Love, of Light and of Perfection.

 Preparations for an Intensive: 

Study the written material in How We Heal (buy from your local bookseller), Logic In Sequence and The Body Electronics Experience (Amazon).

Prepare physically and nutritionally. Physical principles are less than 10% of the work, yet is foundational.

Nutrient saturation directly effects the quality and quantity of the regenerative process. Implement this as soon as possible prior to a Pointholding Intensive. A minimum of 6 weeks of nutrient preparation for optimal success.

Body Electronics is a deep well of study and practice that requires commitment for self healing, self initiation, self responsibility and selfless service.

This process unlocks stored trauma (resisted experience) into conscious awareness where then it may be released through the inner process of transmutation.

Intensives build healthy community though developing trust, compassion, discernment, focus, dedication and commitment, through the rigorous process of Body Electronics. Learn to change the internal landscape we call consciousness and facilitate others to do the same.

Sequential acupressure points are held to stimulate the surfacing of memory, emotion and word patterns that lay dormant unconsciously.

An excerpt from Logic In Sequence, Book 1-  John Whitman Ray, Founder of Body Electronics. In Body Electronics we describe guidelines to Higher Consciousness principles or laws. As seen in John Ray’s writings;

Logic In Sequence Book 1:

“Treat fame and disgrace with the same degree of joy. Accept victory and defeat with equal delight. Embrace poverty and fortune with impartial dignity. See all experiences as an expression of duality, and thus encompass. Recognize that all outer conditions are the yin creation of a yang inner essence. Understand that all outer experience is to be willingly and lovingly endured as a first step in the transmutation process.”

Logic in Sequence Book 3 – Dr John Whitman Ray