Individualized Program for Rejuvenation
With a focus on building a healthy vitality, Illia prepares an individualized program beginning with an Iridology Consultation. The wholistic model is the foundation for all of Illia’s work. She begins with the physical foundation (nutrition, breath, bodywork), inclusive of the emotional, mental and spiritual components. Illia has over 30 years experience in wholistic practice, which includes a degree in Ayurveda as well as earning teaching certificates in both Body Electronics, taught by Dr. Douglas Morrison (author of How We Heal), and Awakening The Illuminated Heart as taught by Drunvalo Melchizedek.
To book a consultation: $100/ 1 hr
When subconscious emotional energies are addressed we are left with a more clear ability to focus and make healthy decisions. Empowered with the principles of transmutation, emotional challenge becomes mastered in daily life. -Illia Heart
Body (table) work- $144/ 1 1/2 hours
I share a practice that supports the client to access and transmute what is ripe to release. Using a specific form of sustained acupressure to unlock the subconscious energies where they then may be viewed by the client and released.
Illia offers both online and in person consultations.
- weight management
- build your vitality
- release emotional blocks
- transmute patterns of behavior (release addiction)
“Illia provides a nurturing and safe container in which I felt very supported to be open and vulnurable, enabling me to do some very deep and profound inner work. She is very gentle and communicative, and at the same time, carries a great power and fire to encourage one to explore their own personal limitations and shadow.” Christopher Schroeder- Kauai HI