Wholistic Fast Day 6

Food & Drink in the Modern World –
Eating Clean

We have many considerations in this changing world in relation to food. Here are a few.
1. How the food is grown in relation to chemicals used. Non GMO that is not organic has high usage of toxic chemicals in production.

2. Has the food been grown with seed altered by genetic modifications? This is being hidden from consumers by changing wording to ‘biotechnology’, as more people become aware of the detrimental effects of GMO food.

3. How is it processed and transported?

4. Where is it produced? Some countries have farming methods that are less than ethical, and have learned legal ways to export around the world. This is happening with many foods.
Sometimes the label indicates where it was last packaged, not where it was grown.

5. Remove fish high on the food chain such as tuna, proven to have high mercury levels. Heavy metal accumulation and radiation is of great concern as well. Even fresh water fish have heavy metal contamination, and are to be avoided. Avoid all farmed fish, and sushi for a number of health concerns including parasites. Altlantic salmon is farmed and used in most restaurants.

6. Removing wheat, corn, rice, dairy (except high quality butter and ghee) and soy from the diet can significantly improve health by reducing triggers of inflammation.

Eat high quality raw protein such as hemp hearts(refrigerate), bee pollen and sprouted beans/peas.

7. Remove canned food from diet. Buy food sold in glass containers, use glass also for food storage. Plastic is to be avoided. Use a large mason jar for your water bottle. They are both durable and a healthier choice to plastic or metal. Continuously upgrade and educate yourself on ever changing nutrition. Food that is prepared with unprocessed, whole, organic, non GMO, and that which has proven the test of time will help nourish and sustain vibrant health.

8. Remove food dyes, artificial/chemical and petrochemical ingredients from the diet. Chains serve petrochemical (edible oils) disguised as food.

Eating Seasonally- Spring Cleaning
Here in Canada rhubarb is a welcome spring food that wakes up the system into detox. Spring offers abundant nutrients the winter lacks. It is excellent for the body to go through the stages the seasons provide. Nettles, greens of all kinds, dandelion, asparagus etc. come into abundance in the spring. Growing herbs bring early welcome tastes that stimulate the palate, such as chives. As fruit and vegetables grow and ripen in your area, (as long as they are organic, and not grown by a road side) indulge heartily, avoiding those with high sugar and starch.
Summer- Light and Cool
Continue what is provided locally (farmers market), and keep heavy foods to a minimum.
Foods that cool such as cucumbers (organic of course).
Tomatoes and basil pair beautifully. Remain well hydrated especially in the
warmer months.
Fall- Building Nutrients/Fat
Nuts and seeds: walnuts, pine nuts, pecans, cashew, pumpkin seed etc. provide nutrient dense and higher fat foods that are appropriate when preparing for winter. Warming foods such as yams and squash may be added in moderation. Curry meals with extra ghee is welcomed. Increase the use of fermented foods such as sauerkraut from fall vegetables like cabbage. A little each day provides enzymes and probiotics as we eat more cooked food, especially in cold climates. I prepare a Chaga Chai tea that is excellent through fall and winter.
Winter- Sustaining
Root vegetables: yams, beets, carrots, parsnips can be eaten during fall and winter, in moderation.
Keeping carbohydrates low is prudent when dark and cold influences metabolism to naturally slow. Fermented food and drinks through the winter month’s keeps digestion on track. Soups and broth made with bones. Hearty stews. Dried beans and pulses are nourishing and warming in moderation. Spices such as; cayenne, cardamom, turmeric and ginger warm us in winter, and encourage good circulation. Avoid the urge to eat sugars.
Celebrate with food and drink all year through.

Physical principles are less than 10% of the foundation required for the regeneration process. Yet necessary.

Celery juice until noon (plus supplements) is effective at supporting the liver and kidneys (urinary system), and assisting in maintaining correct levels of cell hydration by providing a balance of sodium and potassium. Celery is rich in minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc. It also contains vitamins C and K, as well as folate (see Dr. Berg’s video below), an essential B-vitamin and does not spike insulin. Juicing celery consistently over the last 5 years has upgraded my health significantly!

A simple chart from Douglas Morrison’s book How We Heal. He greatly expands on all of these points in his book.

Remove sugar, wheat, corn, soy, rice, pork (especially any that is processed or cured),dairy as well as any processed and restaurant food for the fast. Upgrading our nutrition is a continuous process.

Some of the pleasant side effects of the Wholistic Fast is the release of foods, habits, parasites, entity’s, thought patterns, emotional stagnation… From this cleared energy we choose, not through a glass darkly.

Replacing detrimental food choices with nutrient dense, raw protein, high fat foods, along with sprouted protein smoothies alleviates cravings that accompany letting go of worthless calories.

Raw Protein Stops cravings!

Freshly grind in a coffee grinder or Nutri bullet;


1 cup Pumpkin seeds

2 tbsp. raw bee pollen

1/4 cup ground chia seed, flax seed, sesame seeds

Add- 1 Tsp. of maca powder, ashwagandha, olive leaf powder and/or shatavari


Mix these dry ingredients.

Then add some organic date paste.

UNREFINED organic coconut oil- melt and pour slowly into dry ingredients until you get the consistency to make into balls.

MIX (with hands works well),

Add- walnut pieces, cranberries, cinnamon as desired.

Roll in a mix of cardamom powder, cinnamon or cocoa to taste.

FREEZE for later or ENJOY immediately.

Do not add date paste if on a Ketogenic diet. Avocado can be used instead but needs to be eaten or frozen pronto.


Garden of life nutritional shake, is an excellent all in one sprouted, organic, low carbohydrate protein powder. I’ve been using this product for over 20 years. Research and purchase what feels right for you. Avoid protein powders with whey or soy isolates.


Coconut milk from the carton. Dilute with spring water to desired consistency.

Green Drinks

Raw and/or powdered.

If you choose to use raw veggies, keep it green. Do not add fruit or sweet vegetables such as carrots and beets. It will become acidic, post digestive. Do not put in raw spinach, swiss chard or any raw veggies from the cruciferous family such as broccoli or cabbage, due to the phytic and oxalic acids. This is also why we soak (24 hours) and rinse seeds, beans and nuts. Soaking and steaming releases it. Phytic acid kills enzymes, and oxalic acid disrupts calcium absorption.

Powdered green drinks- It is difficult to find a good ready made blend on the market. For this reason I suggest buying dehydrated green powders by the pound and mix them yourself.

Organic wheat grass, barley grass, moringa, spiralina, olive leaf with a little ground ginger. You can add small amounts of ground milk thistle seed to help support the liver while detoxifying. Put it in a mason jar with a lid so you can shake regularly, as it tends to settle.



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