Wholistic Fast Day 7
Dental Health & Vaccines
An important physical consideration is dental health.
If you are using chemical toothpaste, now is the time to throw it away and get a natural toothpaste without fluoride. Oil pulling is a great way to whiten your teeth and detox the mouth. Spit it outside so you don’t clog the drain. I prefer coconut oil. When you are having amalgams removed, I recommend oil pulling 2x daily for a minimum of 20 minutes. There are also great homeopathic medicines you can get to help detoxify mercury and other harmful metals. Water pic cleansing of the mouth is also excellent. When we are drinking liquid minerals the teeth can dim and become temporarily discoloured. These practices help that.
Mercury amalgam fillings have made a comeback, because of low quality white composite filling material which has a short life span. I speak to the dentist about composite filling material, making clear my desire for the best quality no matter the cost. Most dentists use the cheapest composite (white) materials. Some dentists are still using mercury amalgam. If you have mercury in your mouth, find a dentist that has invested at great expense, the equipment and education to remove this toxicity as safely as possible.
Brew a pot of CHAGA CHAI and dig into these important health considerations.
From How We Heal;