The Healing Crisis (HC)
In case you missed it, we finished Day 3 with a link on the Healing Crisis. There you will find writings which includes an out of print book on the subject by John Whitman Ray, titled The Healing Crisis. It is the second in the Logic In Sequence Series. Feel free to download and/or print. The Logic In Sequence Series have been out of print for over 20 years, and following John’s passing I have made this available (free of charge). John said they should be read IN sequence as the name implies. They are priceless. Having knowledge of the HC is important as we decrease (fast) from substances holding suppression in the body. The HC is then enhanced by what we add to our diet for revitalization/regeneration. The physical level is but the beginning of the HC. As you progress through to the completion of this FAST the HC will become more pronounced. The physical body holds suppression that will surface for release. Emotions surface for release. Thoughts/memory surface for release. How are they released? By the willingness to experience/feel, the willingness to love how it feels and the willingness to apply the principles of transmutation. It will become clearer and clearer.
From How We Heal
When Doug writes ‘sulphur protein and EFA, he is specifically referring to combing flax oil and cottage cheese (organic), from a study on cancer by Johanna Budwig. See video on that below.
Good quality salt is extremely important- sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium are 4 essential electrolytes. Do not rely on salt to get your daily IODINE intake.
Bolivian Rose Salt, from the Andes Mountains, is harvested inland beneath a lava flow, then sun dried. This salt has a low natural sodium chloride with a high trace mineral content making for correct fluid balance within the cell. It also has an excellent flavour. Very different from chemically produced white table salt (which is found in processed and restaurant food). Bolivian Rose Salt
Mineral Rich – High iron content gives Rose Salt its striking reddish hue; in addition to the
iron compounds, Bolivian Rose Salt also contains many other minerals that the human body needs including potassium, calcium and magnesium.
36% less sodium than regular table salt.
Nutritional Information for Bolivian Rose Salt:
Essential Minerals Per 100 grams
Iron 3.3 mg
Potassium 432 mg
Calcium 477 mg
Magnesium 125 mg
Copper .05 mg
Zinc <.01 mg
Sodium 386 mg
It is difficult to find. Here is a supplier in Canada.
Good quality (harvested without chemicals) Himalayan salt is available from OM (Organic Matters) Foods out of BC, Canada.
Remember to have sufficient amounts of iodine in your diet.
Potassium– 5000 mg a day!!!
Increased potassium in the diet as well as supplementation has been helpful to me in a number of ways. This greatly helped me in correcting stress on the heart and kidneys, which relieved many symptoms.
Combining essential fatty acid’s (flax oil) with sulphur protein (cottage cheese) has proven significant healing in the blood. See the excerpt below from How We Heal by Douglas Morrison (with permission) regarding this, including Johanna Budwig’s work with cancer patients.
Chlorophyll and sunlight brings one into greater capacity for oxygenation. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! And will increasingly be more important as 5g, 6g and 7 g, with its radiation and electromagnetic pollution assaults life on earth.
Liquid chlorophyll is available from your health food supplier and chlorella (clean) from OM Foods if you are in Canada.
This concludes Day 4.
Photo of Machu Picchu from the Eagle and the Condor trip with Drunvalo Melchizedek in 2004.
Questions here are welcome.
Good morning Illia,
Thank you so much for offering this fast!
I have been following your BE suggestions, much of what i was already doing : ), and wanted to give you an update 4 days in.
BE fast notes:
I quit my daily green tea, sencha w/matcha, which i miss, for the ritual.
I cut out all ezekiel sprouted toast (1 slice a day), and all maple syrup/ honey (replaced w/stevia)
I generally eat in a 6 hour window from about 9:30 and 3:30, a huge salad, about 10-12 cups of lettuces, with pumpkin seeds, bee pollen, raw onion, raw cheese, anchovies sometimes, olives, roasted peppers, radish, broccoli sprouts with my vinaigrette made with my homemade acv/olive oil. The second ‘meal’ generally has slo-cooked meat, (with bone) vegetable (onion, garlic, carrot, celery, tomato, mushroom) soup, herbs, or grilled/steamed wild salmon with broccoli/butternut squash from my fall harvest.
I also enjoy raw dairy, milk, goat yogurt with soaked/dried walnuts or almonds, eggs, from my farmer.
I have been doing wim hof for a few years now on and off so i have been on for 2 months with daily breathing and cold shower/plunge. Also practice Qigong 3-4 days a week, 1 hour and go for walks, hikes in Nature on other days.
Symptoms so far:
I had a low level headache for past 2 days and felt an internal chill even in a warm room. Feel light headed, a little tired.
taking E.I’s enzymes and minerals, acidoph., vit-c and green papaya (for past 6 weeks)
I took 1 bath, not sure how i can work that in to my daily routine but can try. A lot of salt etc for 43 days. If you think it is essential, i will order the materials. Would twice a week be helpful? I have 10lbs of salt here (enough for 2 weeks i think). Is there a resource for good baking soda in bulk?
I have not been able to read all of the material downloaded and was not able to download the books from scribd as i do not consent to their policy. Anyway, tis the world we live in and i have drawn my line. Perhaps i can find copies some other way?
I have a busy month of fairly strenuous work ahead, will be taking food with me, so i need to prepare and shop on weekends.
My ph is at 5.2 in the a.m
Thank you for any comments or suggestions,
illia (the other one) ; )
Good Day, illia!
That is an impressive list.
I get my baking soda in 55 lb bags from a local ‘homesteaders’ store. Any detox bathing (one hour or more) is helpful.
Logic In Sequence is hard to come by in hard copy as there was 1500 made, and will not be republished. I will let you know if I hear of any coming available.
It will be interesting to see the pH change over the 43 days. Chlorella and liquid chlorophyll should have a profound effect there. Do you take celery juice?
Thanks for the inspiration!
Love, Illia