Healing Crisis

At this point in the Fast, we have greatly reduced incoming toxins, purged some accumulated toxins, while adding essential nutrients. As I stated before, this is in part, the physical foundation for rapid evolution of consciousness within the Healing Crisis.

As with all good H.C., things will seem inverted. We experience cravings for what is NOT supportive of the H.C. Cravings for sugar, cheese, bread, beer, wine, chips, whatever the biochemical addiction ‘thinks’ will make the H.C. stop and take us downscale (involutionary) into a lower relative level of balance. With perseverance a relative level of higher (evolutionary) balance will be attained with successful completion of every H.C.

I decrease cravings by taking probiotics with a glass of lemon water. Eating a handful of raw pumpkin seeds has saved me many times from succumbing to craving’s.

Moving through the patterns that support involutionary action takes practice and perseverance.

Healing Crisis is well on it’s way to fruition. Now the time is ripe for surfacing emotion. You have earned this. Make time for them. Allow the feelings, in a private space where venting can happen without judgement. Practice non projection of emotion. Internally be alert to the reaction to blame. Energy send to another whether silently (covert anger) or overtly, has a looping effect and has to be recognized, held within without justification, while activating forgiveness, love and gratitude.

Feel into the vulnerability of opening into places that may have been unseen/forgotten for a very long time. Childhood memory where resistance took place may surface for release.


Being aware of how the healing crisis presents, makes it easier to navigate. This is an independent, self initiating, self responsible process. It was painful stimuli for me within many HC, that no one could assist me but me.

Let’s delve deeper into spiritual aspects that come into awareness with completed H.C. where transmutation has been successfully applied.

In my seeking for higher consciousness I have experienced Eastern Traditions, particularly Kriya Yoga. as well as Western Tradition with Native Elders of Turtle Island. Both teach natural law within spirituality. Principles of Christianity was my childhood experience. All these and more have offered great insight.

It is from my own study, observation and experience I share. Autobiography Of A Yogi is a good read, by Paramahansa Yogananda.

What I share is in no way meant to lead anyone into dogma, fundamentalism or belief, but to encourage the process of independent spiritual evolution through self realization. We employ technique to assist in the unfolding into greater awareness, with the willingness to let them go.

Over the following days I will share some spiritual practice. Anchoring higher consciousness.

I welcome questions and comments below.

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