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Illia Heart

DETOX’ Preparation, Cleansing & Fasting



Burdock Root- 1part

Sheep Sorrel- 1part

Slippery Elm Bark- 1 part

Rhubarb Root- 1/4 part

Chaga- 1/8 part

I added Chaga to the original recipe after much introspection and use.


During this time be present with the process. I was taught to ask the plants/trees/fungi for what you require during this time. Being in gratitude is enough.



Anything more than a three day water fast is a spiritual calling, and requires wholistic preparations well in advance. This is to say, prepare the body physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Traditionally an Elder would guide and watch over the spiritual fast. Seek wisdom inside and out.

Intermittent Fasting

I have been consistently practising this for many years. I began with a 4 hour eating window, with lemon water and celery juice only outside of this time. During summer months I find it easy to be on one meal a day, and do a 24 hour fast regularly. Consuming nutrient dense foods, while supplementing and detoxing is optimal while intermittent fasting. A prolonged fast, if well prepared for can bring great results; see Dr. Eric Bergs many videos on autophagy.

master cleanser

He recommended fasting while taking a specific formula of cayenne, lemons and maple syrup. I have done this fast many times, both short (3 days) and long term (10 days). In today’s increased chemical and industrial world, considering the quality of food, air and water.regular detoxification is advised.


Detox Bathing

Salt, baking soda, ground mustard and basil oil baths assist the gentle eliminations of toxins through the skin. See detox baths. This induces sweating.

A oral (DETOX FORMULA) colon cleanse prior to a fast is recommended.

Enemas (liver detoxification) or colonics are recommended if in poor health.

Keeping the urinary system flushed by drinking sufficient amounts of good spring water with lemon.

Deep breathing practices each day, assists to detoxify through the lungs.

A brisk walk, dance, skipping, rebounder, etc. for lymph movement, helps to prevent stagnation while detoxifying.

Enzyme therapy is essential in the detoxification process, as is minerals. 

Fasting from pork, dairy, wheat, corn, soy, sugars,alcohol..and any other food/drink that is difficult to digest gives the gastrointestinal system and subsequently the lymphatic system a stress relief.

Eat light, with bone broth, green drinks, avocado, vegetables, good fats (Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon is an excellent resource) . Do not mix fruit or fruit juice with anything else. Taking protease away from food helps clean up the muco proteins(undigested proteins).

Follow any detox by increasing the dosage of probiotics to assist in reestablishing a balanced intestinal flora. 

Juicing celery is a great practice. Alkalizing and detoxifying.

A concentrated spring and fall six week cleanse around the Equinox is traditional practice both Eastern- Ayurvedic tradition and Western- Indigenous people of Turtle Island (N&S Americas).

Prior to a longer ‘detox’ the organs of elimination may be opened through colonics.  This is highly encouraged when degenerative disease is present, as time is a factor. This decreases the stress on the body, and makes the cleanse more efficient.

In my personal practice, I assist the organs of elimination with supplementation year round. Taking great care to be hydrated, a must in the daily detoxification process.

1. Increased Enzyme supplementation that includes serrapeptase (away from food) during detoxification and fasting assists to eat up disturbed muco-proteins (accumulation in the lymph from undigested protein).

Points on Enzymes in The B.E. Guide.

2. Benfotiamine (a B1 vitamin) helps release excess sugars out of the system, using the urinary system to eliminate. Drinking sufficient water is essential to this process.

3. Milk thistle (seed) and burdock (root) make an excellent tea for liver cleanse.

Further nutrition and principles may be studied by readin

g How We Heal by Douglas Morrison.


ONLINE. and in person near Nelson, B.C.

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