In the 20+ years of practising Iridology, I have yet to see an eye that does not indicate parasitic infection. During the covid era, Ivermectin worked as a anti-parasitic making the immune system more available to heal other issues. I see some allopathic doctors using new data showing Ivermectin is effective on cancers, I suggest for the same reason. I do not recommend Ivermectin.
Parasites are opportunistic beings that make their home in the warm moist gut, where food is plentiful (they especially love sugars). Personally, my experience with a nasty parasite came after a trip to Dominican Republic in 1999. I recognized the symptoms right away, took a natural anti-parasitic, but still it took over 6 months to recover. Often when I see severe parasitic infection in someones iris, I ask where they have travelled. Often the reply is Thailand, India, or other Asian or Caribbean locations.
There are many good natural parasite cleanses on the market. I use Paraease from Avena Originals in Canada. It is wise to take 3 rounds to kill hatchlings, with a few days in between where probiotics are increased. Sometimes it takes longer if the infection is well established. Sustained use of apple cider vinegar, allicin and probiotics guard against reinfection. If cancer or other degenerative disease is present see the DETOX formula post below.