I am passionate about wholistic health and its relationship to evolving consciousness.
I have made it my life’s work.
I have authored two book(lets) to date.
Wholistic Health Made Easy and The Body Electronics Experience.
I have taught extensively on the principles of wholistic health and consciousness, facilitating people seeking knowledge of natural health for more than 3 decades through private sessions and group intensives. With over 30 years of study and experience I have developed a comprehensive application of wholistic principles, that allow the body to regain and maintain it’s natural vitality, as first steps to higher consciousness.
Many remarkable teachers and mentors gave of their time, their wisdom and their love.
I received certification as a Body Electronics Instructor by Douglas Morrison- Author of How We Heal, New Cumberland PA, U.S.A. in 2003. I attended over 50 weeks of B.E. Intensives with Doug between 2002-2007. During this time I participated in 100’s of Pointholding sessions.
Included in the Certification:
- Health and the Human Mind
- Cranial Electronics
- Iridology and Sclerology
- Acupressure/Pointholding
- Nutrition
Following the Instructor Certification, I continued to teach countless students dedicated to B.E. for over two decades. Since then I have expanded from B.E., yet have brought the laws of Love, of Light and of Perfection (Christ) into my current work.
I participated in the advanced teachings of the Visualization and Consciousness Course, held by Dr. Morrison in 2005, open only to B.E. Instructor’s. Upon request I taught along side Dr. Morrison until his retirement in 2007.
“When resistance (anything less than unconditional love) is released from consciousness (thought-word-emotion) the result (effect) is natural harmony. This is the practice of Body Electronics. What we do in preparation and continued application of wholistic principles fuels and facilitates this evolutionary process.” Illia Heart~
“To Whom It May Concern,
Illia has been studying Body Electronics with great dedication since attending her first BE seminar with me in January 2002. Over the next several years, Illia attended over fifty weeks of BE seminars with me. This included attendance at two complete BE Instructors seminars of five weeks duration each, as well as numerous BE Intensives. At my invitation, Illia has also assisted me in teaching several BE Intensives. Illia has also been active for the past few years teaching BE seminars to enthusiastic participants in her native country, Canada. Illia also attended the four week Visualization & Consciousness seminar in 2005. While in attendance at this advanced seminar, Illia had the experience of reaching zero ohms resistance, as measured by a sensitive galvanometer, a total of four times. This took place on two different days, and was witnessed by two separate facilitators. This is a significant milestone that has, to my knowledge, been reached by only a handful of people involved with BE over the years. For those interested in learning Body Electronics under the expert guidance of a dedicated and compassionate Instructor, allow me to highly recommend that you study with Illia/Gwen Paton.”
Yours in Health,
Douglas W. Morrison -Author of How We Heal
New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, October 1, 2006
Body Electronics Pointholding Intensive Preparations
Ayurveda and Bhakti Yoga
Nine years were devoted to the traditional practise of Bhakti Yoga- The Yoga Of Devotion- 1988-1997. Mahavatar Babaji is the SatGuru of Kriya Yoga, which was brought to the West by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1920, following 2 months at sea. He wrote Autobiography Of A Yogi which is a best seller to this day.
During this time I received certification as an Ayurvedic Therapist, completing my studies in 1997 with specialization in Pancha Karm (Five Purifications). Clinical practice in the following therapies.
Ayurvedic Detoxification
Ayurvedic Acupressure
Spiritual Aspects of Health
Nutrition and Ayurvedic Herbology
In 2004 I participated in a ceremonial trip to Peru and Bolivia to honour the prophesy of the Condor and the Eagle (The Rainbow Prophesy), with Drunvalo Melchizedek.

I studied with Drunvalo Melchizedek in the Flower Of Life, Earth/Sky, Living In the Heart Gatherings, and was Certified as an Instructor of Awakening The Illuminated Heart. 2003-2011.
My family continues to be my greatest accomplishment.
I have four adult children, who are all of good heart.
In the 1990’s I owned and operated a health food store and a metaphysical book shop.
In the early 2000’s I opened a Wholistic Health Centre called The Flower Of Life Centre near the shores of Lake Huron in Canada.

From 2014-2020 I owned and operated a metaphysical shop and a Wholistic Retreat Centre on Salt Spring Island, B.C.

Currently I reside near Nelson. BC where I give in person sessions, and online sessions.

I have taught in locations dear to my heart; Sedona, Kauai, Mount Shasta, shores of Lake Huron, Salt Spring Island, etc. for over 35 years.

I am building content on this You Tube channel- Please subscribe.
Rumble account. Please subscribe.
Healing is a natural internal process that evolves with increased willingness and application of principles. Natural harmony exists within. Our job is to align.” Illia
“To people who may hear this, specifically friends and clients of the work of Illia Heart- this is a resounding letter of support based on my travel/healing experiences with her. I feel to paint a picture of what I have witnessed, of the wisdom and knowledge Illia embodies. From her vantage point , the regenerative potentiality of the human body is the hope and wonder of healing. Wholistic health may be accessed- harnessed within a very comprehensive systematic approach. With a willingness to experience the contents of our own consciousness, to edit and refine- begins the process. Illia carries the honesty, compassion and discernment, necessary to hold the energy around and to facilitate profound healing. She shares practical methods with light heart. Illia is a joyful presence/catalyst of self-discovery mixed with a hearty dash of whimsy, childlike wonder of the miraculous opportunity we have as humans here on Earth. In my early initiations into Illia’s work, I chose to be part of a 22 day journey in Sedona, Arizona. This time had the side-effect of numerous spontaneous magical unfoldings instilling a deep appreciation of precious life. An example of personal responsibility within the healing process, Illia is also a tangible reminder that each of us is miraculous in life, in love, simply by being human. Life is ecstatic.” Aeron McKenna- Fiber Artist~ Cedar Snail Textiles
“Illia provides a nurturing and safe container in which I felt very supported to be open and vulnerable, enabling me to do some very deep and profound inner work. She is very gentle and communicative, and at the same time, carries a great power and fire to encourage one to explore their own personal limitations and shadow. I have attended several healing Intensives and worked in private sessions with Illia. I would recommend Illia to any being seeking support or direction in their journey of healing and awakening. She has been and still is a bright shining beacon along my own personal path.”
Christopher Schroeder- Holistic Therapist-Kauai HI
“Each of us has the responsibility to release resistance (anything less than love), which removes it from the collective of human consciousness. This lightens the load for all.” Illia
I do not put ads on my videos, nor do I receive financial benefit from endorsing products. wholehealthcentre111@gmail.com
Illia’s work is not intended in any way to replace medical treatment, to diagnose, cure or prescribe. This is for educational purposes.
so glad to of found you
wonderful, enjoy.