The Mental Body- Encompassment Of Duality

When pain is felt (emotional), intensified, loved and released (self forgiveness is necessary here), a window of awareness opens that you may not have experienced before. Inner sight of dualistic patterns will emerge for our edification. What will become clear, is the attachment (resistance) to one side of a duality to the exclusion (more resistance) to the other. This is the entrance into the mental body. Often the first ‘side’ we see, is seen as virtuous. The virtue is the resistance. Judging as good, better, best, bad, worse.

One duality is presented at a time.

The unravelling of our suppressed patterns and programs is directly related to willingness. To see what is there and to release it.

We are operating within a wholistic construct. Physical (molecular), emotional (endocrine), mental (interface electromagnetically in the brain), spiritual (all things outside of this visible light spectrum).

What is a program?

Programs are embedding in consciousness within the mental body. They are dualistic in nature.

Examples- Good/bad, peace/war, win/fail, superior/inferior etc.

Patterns develop through thought, word and emotion that attach themselves into the program. It is unimaginable to think (for those of us who have maintained empathy) that there are world leaders who are so desensitized, lacking in empathy, that they can create wars that kill countless people. Nuclear bombs is a tremendous physical example of this level of psycopathy.

The result of patterns is experienced in our projected reality. In other words made physical- individually and collectively. If you contemplate this deeply you may be daunted by the work that lies ahead. Self responsibility in removing anything less than unconditional love from our subconscious/unconscious is a tremendous work. I am not saying we are 100% responsible for all of our experiences. There are so many influences at play. We live mostly unconsciously to the Great Mystery. We see the results of unconsciousness all the time in human experiences. There are victims and perpetrators everywhere. What I am saying is to remove resistance, so that we respond appropriately in any situation. We remove ourselves from the patterns of victim, or perpetrator.

Nonresistance is not complacent.

When we resist experiences through denial of the part we play (easy to do since we are mostly unconscious), the gap of separation grows wider within the program.

This is what we find when access to the mental body presents itself, one pattern at a time. Here we view what is there, where the resistance lies, and the separation it causes. Self compassion is the loving energy necessary here.

The violet fire (light) is the power to remove anything less than natural coherence within the mental body construct. It is available for us to direct as we encompass the duality that presents. At times I see one side of the duality only. I see/feel the resistance there, within the memory. As I encompass it with the violet fire, the other side makes itself known. At times, I see the need to go to that side and release resistance there. Eventually both sides becomes clear. At this time encompassment of the whole duality is held until completed. Hold a constant state of non resistance (love) in the light of the violet fire (which is held in a constant state of awareness and direction).

Making it happen/letting it happen simultaneously. This takes focused intent.

When mental resistance is transmuted, a electromagnetic completion is felt, often with a inner flash of bright light. Harmony is restored when resistance is removed.

The transmutation of the mental body is a natural progression with the willingness to do so, following the release of self created emotional pain. There is pain in the mental body as well, but it is felt very differently.

I am sharing here extremely complex teachings in the least amount of words possible.

Know that experience teaches perfectly. Work diligently on emotional transmutation and one day you will find the mental body.


I previously stated spirit as being anything outside of our visible light spectrum. How vast this is. As we release anything less than pure unconditional love, and are able to hold that vibration, we expand awareness/perception. This leads to further opportunity to see deeper resistance.

This process incrementally restores our natural ability of inner sight (clairvoyance), inner sound (clairaudience), inner feeling (clairsentience). With these restored, we traverse a broader spectrum of inner knowing. Clear intuition not altered by chemical, intellectual or spiritual interference/influence.

In that, we are continuously faced with deepening our willingness to choose Love, ruthlessly.

Discernment expands exponentially, as we sort though intellectual ideas, beliefs, superstition and interference. This is a huge job to root out mental/emotional imprints. This results in re-sensitization.

The awareness of humility, empathy and (self) compassion all expand incrementally with the removal of resistance, particularly in the level of pain. You will find expanded awareness is initially painful. By consistently loving this pain, without the need to suppress it, results in continued expansion of consciousness. What we once knew as ‘laws’ of physics become increasingly obsolete.

In the translated word of Jeshua, he said something like; “Of this I do, you may do also…and more shall you do”. I see this as his ability to break through the program, and patterns of this dimension (perceived by the 5 senses) to the point where he expanded his ability to see beyond the light spectrum. Morphogenetically (for all humanity) he made this expansion possible by showing the way- NON RESISTANCE.

Recognizing Higher Power/God of Love that all humanity has access to at all times within, is crucial to making our way out of discordant energies.

There is a right and there is a wrong. Release ourselves from our attachments to both, where then we can naturally do what is right without arrogance and self righteousness.

Remember, we transform from physical to emotional, emotional to mental, and the combination of all three to spiritual. The opposite way that we incarnated.

Through UNCREATION ( releasing resistance through conscious effort of transmutation- permanent change) we find the true nature of reality, which is present always.

Pure unconditional love has no opposite. This is the main transmuting force within emotion, held strong in the mental while we release the attachments there. Remember physical principles are the foundation (see more on day in Part 1). I see it as an upward spiral from physical to spiritual.

Experiences that are called the time/space/continuum warp, and

0 ohms resistance, are written about in the out of print books by Dr. John Whitman Ray. Free of charge in the link below. Consider these books were written in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Discern the eternal gems. I recommend downloading and/or printing. When you have read all three, I am happy to discuss my experiences of these events, that are brought about by fierce willingness, supported by extreme physical discipline, emotional freedom, and mental focus. These experiences are often considered spiritual, as we access the otherwise unseen. We must be free of psychotropic drugs, for clear/accurate inner vision/perception, not influenced by chemicals.

Life is such an adventure.

Receive it’s love, grace, and see it’s beauty.

This completes this 4 part series on HOW TO HEAL.

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