
There are as many levels of empathy as there are people. From nearly none to a full on capacity to see and feel from other’s perspective. In retrospect of consciousness change we can see our evolution of empathy. One level is to be able to comprehend other’s experience, through shared experience. I call this shared compassion, as it is a knowing of what someone is experiencing yet not being fully present to the other’s energy. This level can be wrought with resistance. True empathy is the capacity to know what the other is experiencing without resistance- non judgement. From here we have the capacity to ‘hold space’. This means to be present with the knowing of other’s experience without being personally involved. This is an art form. We do not have the responsibility to change the energy of another, yet when faced with the opportunity we can choose to experience our own resonant energies, from where they may be transmuted, which then in turn facilitates (makes easier) the other to face and transmute their energies of resisted thought, word and emotion. This level of empathy requires us to remove the resistance (transmute) that blocks us from being present. This is a continuous practice toward the Perfection of Christ within.

If you see discordant energies coming from another, and they have little to no willingness to learn to change (be self responsible), walk away.

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