If you haven’t read Part 1, begin there. This is a sequential educational process.

We now know how to begin the detoxification process and fortify the body to withstand the rigorous process of regeneration.

From here we move into a more thorough explanation of emotional transmutation.

Definition of resistance- anything less that pure unconditional love.

Principle #2- What we resist persists. Touchstones to remember.

Let’s look at this from the perspective of seeing unconsciousness as containing the bulk of what we resist, which becomes what continuously persists. In other words we are mostly unaware of how we are making decisions, reacting and/or creating our experience.

To take transmutation into the next level, look internally for three creative energies. Thought, word and emotion. Thought becomes memory. If experience was resisted, it becomes trauma. Trauma is mostly stored beneath the level of awareness. Willingness is actively remaining aware of what comes to the surface (conscious awareness) to be released. Releasing includes applying the 3 powers.

Expectation, disappointment, or the inability to love the surfaced memory is often the wall where full transmutation is stopped. Finding the resistance to the resistance and transmuting that, allows for forward movement. But, what if the memory, emotion & word patterns that surface contain enough resistance that we can’t honestly find forgiveness, gratitude or love? This is common.
We see/feel what truly is there.
Often the energy is something we feel as hate. Pain in the physical or emotional body can surface, and the honest feeling is ‘I hate it’ (word pattern).
Feel how much you can love/enjoy the energy of hate while holding the surfaced memory and words.
This is seeing/feeling the resistance to the resistance.
It is often what blocks the direct transmutation principle of ‘feel what you feel WITH love’.

Now comes the good news; as we move our consciousness into ever greater awareness through the transmutation process, we become more aware of resistance.

As we continue on with increased intensity, it is important to understand the Healing Crisis (HC).

One simplistic description of a healing crisis is; ‘it gets worse before getting better’.
This happens when stimulation, circulation, activation occurs somewhere within the wholistic spectrum; physical, emotional, mental & spiritual.
Healing Crisis (HC) is a natural process of degeneration (letting go). Allowing for regeneration.
With the intent for consciousness change along with the willingness to heal/or not to heal, we encourage the onset, fullness and completion of the HC, firstly through physical principles (upgrading nutrients while reducing toxins, stillness and breath), actively applying emotional principles of transmutation, which eventually opens awareness to the mental body.
The HC induces change. The body detoxifying is one example. Degeneration. With persevering application of physical and emotional principles coherence is inevitable. Regeneration. This process is naturally occurring continuously. Within the process of transmutation we intensify and quicken this natural process.
We are conscious and unconscious simultaneously. Being present to consciously interface with whatever surfaces from unconsciousness is the willingness at the onset of every good HC.
To be open and honest with what surfaces in thought, word and emotion (suppressed/resisted experience), along with the action of transmutation are first steps to unravelling and releasing resistance .
Self awareness; to consistently edit and refine within the transmutation process.
This results is increased response ability. The ability to respond appropriately increases with the absence of resistance/judgement.

Read the following link written by Dr. John Whitman Ray (founder of Body Electronics) for a deeper look.

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