Meditate internally on this symbol until you see it in three dimensions, moving in its perfection. This is the flow
Book an appointment online via Messenger/Facetime or Zoom.
In these sessions you may address your questions regarding wholistic health. Physical/Emotional/Mental/Spiritual.
Group work in The Gnostic Way– Weekend Workshops and 5 Day Intensives on Salt Spring Island, B.C., Canada
Retreat with Illia for a wholistic weekend or one full week to reset health and goals.- see post.
Meditate internally on this symbol until you see it in three dimensions, moving in its perfection. This is the flow
Anything and everything that is not natural to the wholistic construct of life, is leading us into the trap of
Learning to be in control of ones self, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually leads to incremental levels of true power
The energies these three conjure can be on the spectrum from desperation to ego manifestation, and everything in between. Coming