Illia has over 3 decades of application, study and experience in profound methods of healing within the construct of wholistic health & consciousness. She has witnessed the healing of countless people during this time. Illia guides and facilitates the self healing journey. It requires the enthusiasm to learn and the commitment of application.

In person sessions are for those who choose to remain free from all mRNA injections. If you have taken any CV and/or flu shots, and would like to embark on a detoxification/regeneration process, I am happy to assist you in online sessions.

Transmission/shedding of spike proteins, nano particulates (toxins) due to receiving the mRNA CV shots (and now mRNA flu shots) are transmitted by breath, skin, sweat and other bodily fluids.

1. Acupressure- $150/ 2 hrs- approximately 90 minutes hands on with 30 minutes discussion/Q&A- See protocols below.

Illia applies a unique form of acupressure to stimulate the body to release blockages (resistance held). This allows for a free flow physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually when transmutation is applied internally (consciously) .
Illia offers guidance on effective and appropriate detoxification and nutrient saturation. This keeps the major organs (liver, kidneys, pancreas, adrenals), endocrine, circulatory and nervous systems in optimal health, making regeneration possible.

2.- Online Consultation


3.- Online Iridology- Send 5 pictures of each eye to the my email upon booking.


Illia teaches the importance of encouraging and completing the Healing Crisis. She refines your nutrition (in each session), for increased vitality.

These basic nutritional essentials help to bring health back into the endocrine system, which is necessary for True Healing.

6. During hands on sessions Illia facilitates the transmutation of trauma. This body work facilitates the removal of mental/emotional blocks.

Protocol for Acupressure Sessions

Fast from 6 PM the night before. Drinking only lemon water.

A detox bath prior and following the session is recommended. DIY with the recipe below.

A brief consultation/Q&A before and after a hands on session. A notebook is recommended to document progress.

DETOXIFICATION protocols are addressed in Online Sessions or In Person

In online sessions Illia addresses your questions and concerns within the wholistic construct; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.



2 thoughts on “SESSIONS WITH ILLIA

  1. Illia I need to talk to you to set up some sessions for my wife. Please call Glen 604-941,5763.

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