The following are a few ways of detoxifying that I have used regularly for decades with excellent results. The past few years (since 2020) have been a time when the need for detoxification has exponentially increased in my observation. It is prudent for men and women who are considering parenthood to detoxify well in advance of pregnancy. There should not be any form of detoxification during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as disrupted toxins go directly to the fetus through blood and milk.
I do not sell any products. The information shared freely below is so you may be independent.
1.) Botanical DETOX FORMULA
The following are some of the reasons why people use this formula.
Cancer, heart health, immune booster, effects of mRNA injections or the transmission/shedding of these effects on the non injected, gastrointestinal health, metal detox, infections, fatty liver, chronic fatigue, insulin resistance, skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema, allergies, etc.…
Continued use for health issues. DIY affordably by buying by the pound from OM Foods, Harmonic Arts and Golden Bough Botanicals (in Canada).
Regular detoxification facilitates a healthy lifestyle.
Botanical Detoxification- TO PREPARE
In the 1980’s I requested this recipe from Ojibwe Elders for my father (personal story below).
Burdock Root- 1part
Sheep Sorrel- 1part
Slippery Elm Bark- 1 part
Rhubarb Root- 1/2 part
Chaga- 1/4 part
I added Chaga to the original formula which increases it’s potency by supporting the immune system.
Add 1/2-1 cup botanical formula to 10 cups spring water (depending on how strong you would like it to be). Bring to a boil in a non metal container. Bring it to a soft boil for 20 minutes, then simmer gently stirring often with a wooden spoon. I like to use a slow cooker, when it comes to a boil I turn it down to low and let simmer for up to 2 hours. During this time be present with the process. I was taught to ask the plants for what you require during this time. Being in gratitude is enough.
Cover and let steep overnight.
Strain in the morning. This creates the concentrate.
Use the remains again with less water (7 cups) to receive the full benefit of the plants. Keep the less potent brew in a separate jar, using on days when you are not near to a toilet.
Store in glass (a mason jar) in the fridge.
When taking, add boiling water to chosen amount of the concentrate (decided by person taking) to make warm. It is pleasant this way.
Example- 2 oz of concentrate with 5 oz boiling water.
Start slowly as this is a powerful detoxification formula.
Your current state of health determines the level of healing crisis one will experience. Detoxification with this brew is experienced mostly through the bowels. Drink sufficient amounts of spring water, so dehydration does not occur. This is important!
As with all cleansing and detoxification programs, increasing probiotic supplementation ensures continued healthy intestinal flora. Detoxification should NOT be done while pregnant or nursing. Done well in advance of pregnancy, both for the man and the woman is advantageous.
Personal Story
I have witnessed countless people heal themselves with the assistance of this formula, including my own father. My Dad was ‘given’ 3 months to live by conventional cancer specialists. He went to bed in a depressed state and prepared to die. It was then (upon request) that I was given this recipe from an Ojibwe Elder. In the beginning, Dad experienced intense healing crisis that he was willing to go through- a lot of bowel movement as the body flushed toxins for many months. They were farmers who had always grown a lot of their own food, ate organically, free range, fermented, raw etc.- old school farming. One of the problems though, was that the water supply (well) had been contaminated with chemical runoff from the onset of modern agriculture/farming methods, as well as declining air quality from near by oil refineries, etc.. They began drinking spring water, stopped eating white flour and sugar, took probiotics daily as well as taking this herbal formula daily, for years!
Dad fully recovered from 4th stage ‘multiple myeloma’ and he lived healthy, happy and pain free for nine more years. They travelled and fulfilled desires they had put off for their retirement years (not recommended). He passed consciously (wide awake) without pain or medication (cancer free). In the 1980’s this formula was illegal in Canada.
2.) ACTIVATED CHARCOAL- Use before bed (several hours after and before eating and supplementing) as it absorbs nutrients as well as toxins.
3.) CELERY JUICING- Preferable in the morning.
4.) NAC with OREGANO OIL- preferably in the morning. Start slowly.
Anything more than a three day water fast is a spiritual calling, and requires wholistic preparations well in advance. This is to say, prepare the body physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. During fasting the body dumps toxins into the blood stream. Begin with some intermittent fasting and slowly increase the time.
6) Intermittent Fasting
I have been consistently practising this for many years. I began with a 4 hour eating window, with lemon water and celery juice only outside of this time. During summer months I find it easy to be on one meal a day, and do a 40 hour fast regularly. Consuming nutrient dense and low carbohydrate foods, while supplementing and detoxing is optimal while intermittent fasting. Removing starch such as grains, bananas and potatoes. Fasting can bring great results; see Dr. Eric Bergs many videos on autophagy.
Air, water and food qualities are continuing to worsen. The organs of elimination; skin, lungs/breath, urinary system, gastrointestinal, as well as the lymph and liver as filters and deliverers, need to be open for a successful fast and thorough detoxification. The Botanical DETOX FORMULA above assists any fast by successfully and promptly removing toxins as they are released into the bloodstream while fasting.
Salt, baking soda, ground mustard and basil oil baths assist the gentle eliminations of toxins through the skin. This induces sweating. Helpful in combination with fasting and DETOX Botanical Formula.
The oral DETOX FORMULA cleanses the colon prior to, during and following a fast.
Enemas or colonics are recommended if experiencing ill health, prior to any fasting.
Keeping the urinary system flushed by drinking sufficient amounts of good spring water with lemon.
Deep breathing exercises each day, assists to detoxify through the lungs.
9.) Movement- Preferably Outdoors
A brisk walk, swim, dance, skipping, rebounder for lymph movement, helps to prevent stagnation while detoxifying.
Enzyme therapy is essential in the detoxification process, as is minerals.
Taking protease away from food helps clean up the muco proteins (undigested proteins) that stagnate the lymph system.
Removing pork and any processed meats, dairy, wheat, corn, soy, sugars and sugar subsitute, alcohol, oils like canola, sunflower, safflower..and any other food/drink that is inflammatory gives the gastrointestinal system and subsequently the lymphatic system a stress relief.
Before and after fasting eat light, with bone broth, green drinks, avocado, vegetables with good fats (Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon is an excellent resource). Do not mix fruit with anything else.
Follow any detox by increasing the dosage of probiotics to assist in reestablishing a balanced intestinal flora.
Juicing celery is alkalizing and detoxifying. This can be used during fasting, as it does not stimulate an insulin response.
Prior to a longer ‘detox’ the organs of elimination may be opened through colonics. This is highly beneficial when degenerative disease is present, as time is a factor. This decreases the stress on the body, and makes the cleanse more efficient.
By increased enzyme supplementation (combination digestive enzymes, protease, nattokinase and serrapeptase) during detoxification and fasting assists to eat up disturbed muco-proteins (accumulation in the lymph from undigested protein). See the link below for much more on the power of enzymes.
Daily massage (I practise this in the tub while DETOX BATHING). Dry rub too, sweeping movements toward the heart.
13.) SUNSHINE- Extremely important. While limiting greatly the blue light of devices, especially after sunset, using blue block glasses, while adding sunrise, sunshine intermittently all day, and sunset can correct the circadian rhythm (spinal flow) which is vital to health. By not wearing sunscreen or sunglasses. The sun is different each day, and skin reacts differently. Build sun tolerance. I begin in March with my lounger in the snow. This could be the most important one on this list.
We must make ourselves aware of correct nutrition, healthy household and body care products to prevent unnecessary buildups of toxins.
Benfotiamine (a B1 vitamin) helps release excess sugars out of the system, using the urinary system to eliminate. Drinking sufficient water is essential to this process.
Milk thistle (seed) and burdock (root) make an excellent brew for a strong liver cleanse. A bitter brew. Bring to a boil and let simmer for a minimum of 20 minutes.