Conscious Creation- Heart, Brain Or Somewhere In-between?

We have 3 main ways to put our power of creativity into the wholistic construct, via the electromagnetics of the brain.

What is the main difference between creating via the brain or with the heart?

The consciousness of duality may get us what we ‘want’, but we will also get what we don’t want.

The heart is in singularity (oneness). A flow of energy incapable of harm. Love, Beauty, Harmony, Joy.


1. Visualization (thought, will, desire, intent)

2. Words (verbal and non verbal)

3. Emotion

So how do we get to the beauty of the heart?

Through the emotional and mental bodies.

By traversing upward through the emotional body construct (49 levels), we eventually reach the doorway to the mental body by transmuting pain. This is where the Three Powers are employed.

When we can naturally be perfectly ok with pain(through our efforts of truly loving how it feels), we find our attachments within the mental body. These show up as ‘positive’ and ‘negative’. Duality.

We find the judgements (resistance) we have put upon experience. By the directed power of the Violet Flame we gradually burn away the separation (magnetic).

As we do this we enter the ‘Heart Space’. It is a gradual process. Beginning with glimpses we often identify these as ‘spiritual experiences”. This is because it is beyond the dualistic experience.

It is so loving, beautiful, joyful and harmonious that we sometimes judge it as other worldly.

It is not.

It is our state of consciousness, our level of awareness that makes it so.

As we spend more and more time (authentically- no emotional or mental bypassing) in the ‘Heart’, we become increasingly aware of where we need to release. The Love keeps us motivated, as changing consciousness from one extreme to another is a very difficult and painful process.

As we are present (visually) from the ‘Heart’, we naturally see the projected outcome.

This is humanity’s hope. We have with capacity within us. Build the willingness to endure and change the internal challenges, and the external ones lessen accordingly.

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