Deepening the knowledge of the emotional body.
Principle # 3- Let it happen/Make it happen simultaneously.
As we ascend upward from unconsciousness to enthusiasm, we are faced with increased awareness of suppressed emotion. At the level of fear we begin to realize choice. This reflexes to the heart and thymus. With emotional release we let go of the program of victimization experienced in the lower 3 emotions of grief, apathy and unconsciousness where we perceive life as happening to us. In fear we begin to see how we affect life with our choices. Moving up to anger gives us opportunities to re-experience and release patterns of power and control. When anger is released through transmutation (not projection), inner vision is restored incrementally. Then pain is accessed. Compassion is deepened here as we begin to see both sides of our thought process, and from where we attached to it. Hence the creation that follows. Self forgiveness is the energy here that breaks the chains that bind. Encompass all with love (enthusiasm).
Review- What we access for transmutation.
1. Memory
2. Words
3. Emotion
With perseverance we bring all three of these together simultaneously, then apply the Three Powers. Gratitude is often the first as it’s energy breaks open the willingness to re-experience and release long held resistance.
1. Gratitude
2. Forgiveness
3. Love
Making it happen is the effort it takes to find the resistance and to apply the energies of emotional transmutation. Letting it happen is the energy of surrender without the need to control. When this is applied/allowed simultaneously, transmutation is thorough.
Remember, suppression is held in the physical/emotional/mental/spiritual unconscious. As the suppression gradually releases to emotional awareness we begin to feel what’s there. Venting is a necessary part of the transmutation process. Venting allows the expression of emotion. When consciously processing emotion we must take care to not project upon anyone or anything.
Following sufficient venting (intensified) we then move to control (contain) the emotion within. Holding the emotion intensely without emoting, then the feeling of the emotion will increase. We enthusiastically contain the emotion within, encompass in unconditional love, forgiveness and gratitude. We then experience a thorough transmutation and rapid upscale emotional movement. If there isn’t an increase of intensity of the present emotion when we contain (control) then we go back to venting. When we are able to contain the intensity of the emotion, while holding awareness of memory and words, the time is right to access with all our might one or more of the Three Powers.
This process requires commitment and an increasing willingness to face one’s own emotional wounds and trauma. Self-compassion is extremely important here.
- Willingness to change, willingness to feel, and a willingness to let go.
- Own and maintain emotional responsibility. Non projection.
- Feel what we feel WITH love, gratitude and or forgiveness. *The Three Powers.
These points are key components to emotional transmutation. Welcome the emotion like an old friend. This energy is present and creating our experience in an unconscious way. By making it conscious, we are then in a position to release. Changing emotional consciousness requires ever increasing self-responsibility, being aware when blame or justifications come forth. Transmuting (loving, forgiving and being grateful for) whatever comes forth leads to the deeper trauma. When an outer circumstance triggers a reactive emotional response, be aware of the presence of the three powers. Recognize the trigger as our opportunity to see/feel a pattern of emotion present within, shown for our perusal and edification. Practice gratitude for the triggers. Keep the emotion close without projection on anything or anyone external. Observe the internal process. Observe the words that accompany the emotion.
When we are aware of what is there, from here it may be changed. Transmuted emotional energy provides the body with the opportunity for renewed capacity and regeneration.
Consciousness changes rapidly as we consciously Uncreate.
More On Self Medicating
The unconscious pattern to suppress stress and emotion, generally a unwillingness to feel can stimulate the compulsion to self medicate.
Any ingested substance, habit or behaviour that causes suppression is self medicating. When it is habitual, impairing one’s ability to be responsible (able to respond freely) we have created addiction. This comes with biochemical, hormonal, and electrical impairment.
It is reasonable to say every person is working with some level of self medication. There are socially acceptable, modernly encouraged, profiteering, insidiously justified forms of self medication.
Simply comparing yourself to someone else and their experience can be debilitating and addictive.
To move into greater awareness, higher consciousness, we must individually address the ways in which we actively suppress our responses to life (both internally and externally).
How To Heal is about inducing awareness where consciousness change becomes possible. We cannot change what we cannot remember.
Self realization is incremental. Gradual or abrupt consciousness change continues to unfold with effort and application of principles.
Being aware of the many ways we self medicate is a humbling process. Releasing them, restores us physically, emotionally, mental and spiritually.
From increasing awareness we perpetuate opportunities to make more change.
Sugar, alcohol, sugar substitutes, corn and beet derived sweeteners, glucose, fructose, plus other chemically derived products that capture our palate, are added to foods en mass. Manipulation of food products, designed with full knowledge of addictive response, is practised by food producers around the world.
Feed the body what it requires to be vital. Removing sugars is assisted by increased probiotics. Parasites/fungi and yeasts feed on sugars. Every effort made to decrease whatever is debilitating, while replacing it with what is revitalizing, results in an increased capacity to ascend consciousness.
As with all levels of Healing Crisis, it may feel worse before getting better, yet is well worth the effort.
Principle # 4
Lovingly and Willingly Endure All Things
Internally and externally.
This principle is especially necessary if you are observing your outer reality as a trigger to induce the transmutation process.
I am consistently aware of words that are being spoken, either by me or others. Words can give us insight/openings into the inner work, by their triggers.
Willingness to feel. Willingness to increase the feeling. Willingness to experience it indefinitely. Willingness (bring to the present) to release anything less than Love. Easier said than done.
***What you are triggered by may be in exact or close resonance to a resistance pattern you hold.
***What triggers you may be in exact or close OPPOSITE resonance to a resistance pattern you hold.
***The trigger may be a small amount of resonance still present of either of the above, sometimes simultaneously.
Lets look at an example.
If we interact with someone who we see/feel as elitist/superior and we recognize a emotional response either physically, (tightening of the stomach, shoulder raised etc.) and/or feel an emotion surface, we know there is something within us to transmute. Observe the emotion, thought, words and memory around inferiority. Here we may find both sides of a thought pattern, where transmutation can be applied effectively.
We apply our discernment here. This does not mean we are complacent physically, sometimes fear is a reaction to a threat, for which we must get out of harms way.
Another approach to consciousness change is to remain aware and alert to the inner surfacing of thought, word and emotion internally, applying principles prior to their manifestation.
The mental body is outside of time and space, as is Spirit. This is where we create with the Yang essence. Albeit, mostly unconsciously. From the mental body, emotion is formed. From here we download into the molecular structures creating the physical hologram. This is the wholistic construct of creation.
Learning how to uncreate (release resistance) is a conscious practice whereby regeneration is a natural side effect.
“In emotion lies the doorways to great change.” Illia Heart
Entering The Mental Body

Within emotional transmutation the mental body is accessed incrementally at the level of pain.
At each main level (7) of the emotional body we find pain at level 2. Here we become increasingly aware of the mental body on our way upscale from unconsciousness to enthusiasm. As we encompass pain with enthusiastic love (level 1), duality within the mental body is seen. This happens naturally as a result of our willingness to unlock our pain, feel it and release it.
Willingly re-experiencing pain, in the encompassment of love, we gain incremental access to the inner Fire of Transmutation. This Light is often seen as hues of violet. It is the transmuting force of the mental body. This is where transmuting principles changes from emotional (love, forgiveness, gratitude) to mental- Light- The Inner Fire of Transmutation.