Morphgenetic/Morphogenic Field

Everything and every no-thing has a resonance, through frequency and vibration. We resonate with others (or not), according to the frequency of our thought (held unconsciously mostly), word, and emotion. Whether we like it or not, we have morphogenetic field with our blood relatives. A a whole, humanity has a morphogenic resonance. These are mostly immeasurable. Yet with sensitivity (awareness), we can see how it effects us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Let’s take Wayne’s teaching in the video below, from ‘positive’ thinking to the transmutation of attachment on either side of a duality. Non attachment= Natural Harmony.

When I went through the time/space/continuum warp in 2005, my father who was nearly over 1000 kms away, experienced extreme inner vibration and heat at the exact time, to the point where he was taken to hospital. After a week of tests there was nothing found.

Definition of frequency;

Frequency is the number of waves that pass a given point in one second. The frequency unit is called a hertz (Hz), named after the German physicist who first confirmed the existence of electromagnetic waves, Heinrich Hertz. The frequency formula is the wave speed divided by the wavelength.

Definition of vibration;

Vibration is the repeated back-and-forth motion of a particle when displaced from its equilibrium position. Due to its oscillatory property, it exhibits a periodic or repetitive motion. A periodic motion is characterized by repeatedly occurring motion at regular time intervals. A sine wave is an example of this.

We cannot avoid what we dislike, are uncomfortable with, deny, etc. by attempting to resonate with what we consider favourable. Natural Harmony exists always, we align with it when we release attachment (judgement) to one side of a duality to the exclusion (partial or entirely) of the other.

Learn to uncreate.

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