In February of 2020 I went from being a perfectly healthy 59 year old, to completely unwell.
I went through the most challenging time of my life.
I was living on Mt. Maxwell on an island called Salt Spring near the Southern coast of British Columbia, Canada, where I worked for the school board as an educational assistant to one teenage student with extreme autism.
This student went on a one week vacation to Vancouver, in February of 2020. When she returned to school, she was holding her lower back and screaming in pain. She is mostly nonverbal. Over the course of four days her symptoms increased and intensified, until her skin was the colour of mustard, and her temperature was scorching. She was sent home at this point. Our little classroom had no windows or doors to the outside. I kept our door shut as to not let any contagions out to other students and staff (yes, there are such things as contagions). This was the perfect petri dish. On the 5th day following her return, I went suddenly from being perfectly healthy, to incapacitated. It was 3 and a half years of hell before transcending most symptoms. At the onset of this sickness I went in and out of conscious awareness, in a fever induced kind of fog. There is one hospital on Salt Spring Island, that instructed islanders not to come if sick. It was the beginning of the ‘covid’ era. As a wholistic practitioner I keep many natural remedies, that in the previous years had worked perfectly well when my student had come to school with sickness. Everything I took, had zero effect on this. This is why I call it bioweapon #1, as it proved to me it was not a natural phenomena. Fever, weakness, difficulty breathing accompanied extreme pain that began on the right side of my head. There it stayed for a couple days until moving down to the liver. From there it went to the right kidney (excruciating) across to the left kidney, up to my heart, and finally to the left side of my head. This cycle of extreme pain took approximately 10 days (but pain and other symptoms plagued me for over 3 years). I would wake from my near comatose stupor in racking pain, wondering for a few seconds where I was, and who I was before coming back to some sort of conscious reality. My bed was intermittently soaked with sweat. Later I had to throw the mattress away. My heart went into rapid irregular heart beat with palpitations, and I developed extreme vertigo. Often not having a horizon. It came with diminished eye sight, and increased sensitivity to LED and fluorescent light. A couple months later I developed P.O.T.S, which comes with sudden blood pressure drops and raises, accompanied tachycardia, 4 times blacking out. For approximately two years I suffered daily from many neurological symptoms, I could not remember names, words, and my short term memory was nearly non existent at times, sentences were backwards and confused, verbally and written. I felt like I was walking on a boat, like a drunken sailor. Dizzy spells and light headedness came and went night and day. I found a nitric oxide boost supplement that helped slightly. I had to sleep sitting up or vertigo would increase. A physio therapist gave me the Epley maneuver which helped somewhat. Eventually, after a couple of years I could lay on my left side only. If I turned my head vertigo would ensue. This went on another year and a half, when then I was able to turn and sleep on my right side for a brief time, eventually increasing it. My right leg sometimes took extra effort to walk. Occasionally I would have blurred vision for 10 to 15 minutes, frightening. Migraines lasted 3 to 4 days, and the pressure in my head made me wonder if my skull would crack open. They came several times a month. I did not take any pain killers. I had constant sounds in my head. It came from what I perceived as extreme inflammation around the brain, causing degrees of circulation restriction. There were 3 main sounds; low jiggle bells, medium pitch fire, high pitch squeal. So loud and consuming that at times I could not hear anything else. It was deafening. Diminished circulation and poor oxygen uptake left my feet and hands blue. I had extreme over all weakness (having a bath or shower would leave me bedridden for the rest of the day). I had no taste and smell for over 3 years, when it then began to be intermittent.
I discovered a correlation in the symptoms.
An inflamed vagus nerve.
This nerve runs from the brain, and effects respiration (breathing), heart rate and blood pressure, immune system responses, digestion, skin and muscle responses, speech, taste and smell, etc… Because of its role in the parasympathetic nervous system (involuntary), it plays a major role in inflammatory response throughout the entire body.
The symptoms caused by this inflammation (cytokine storm) directly effected my involuntary breathing. I would lay in bed consciously breathing double the exhale to inhale (calms the vagus nerve), afraid to go to sleep. I continued to treat the inflammation, and eventually it showed progress.
These are but a few of the symptoms I endured. There were many more, I counted over 30 at one time. Some were constant, other were intermittent.
This was hell.
I struggled daily with such extreme weakness that I couldn’t walk stairs, squat down, bend over or lift anything, without experiencing dizziness. I remember the terrible grief I felt when I had to ask my daughter to pull on my boots.
I went to the emergency room in 4 different hospitals (in desperation) before I realized they could not help. I went to naturopaths, they were of no help. I was on my own.
My student suffered similar symptoms, she had strokes, was in the hospital for a year on kidney dialysis, and has since gone blind at 20.
I set out (from the beginning) to do everything and anything in my power to heal. By mid 2020, I listened to people who had theories on what was happening with ‘SARS-cov2’. A few medical professionals and politicians were speaking out with their findings (that went against the narrative), but they were being censored, cancelled, fired and vilified.
I could see from the beginning that this was not a natural ‘virus’. And I saw the method to the madness was leading to novel ‘safe and effective’ injectable products. Everything in me knew that both the unnatural bioweapon 1 (the contagion), and bioweapon 2, the mRNA injections were just that.
Interestingly, following the roll out of the mRNA injections, I saw how my symptoms were often the same as those who were experiencing injury caused by ‘bioweapon 2’.
So, how did I heal myself (mostly, it is still an ongoing challenge to regenerate organ and mitochondrial damage)?
First and foremost, I did not give up. Even through depression, anxiety and despair of which I had never experienced before, I wanted to live. Often when at the thresh hold of death (several times a day in the first couple of years), gave me plenty of opportunity to practice what I preach.
Secondly, I self diagnosed my symptoms (being a wholistic health practitioner for over 30 years proved to be imperative), researched and keenly monitored my experience.
Then I experimented with what I knew, specifically sunlight, detoxification and nutrient saturation. All while applying mental/emotional principles of transmutation (permanent change), through the laws of Love, of Light and of Perfection according to Body Electronics. This came with many memories, emotion, amends, self forgiveness and raw vulnerability.
I had to let go of all comfort food and drink, completely. No more coffee (all caffeine), wine, wheat, sugar, corn etc., as they contributed to the inflammation, causing symptoms to worsen. Whatever is ‘in’ bioweapon 1, creates a condition that depletes the body of potassium and magnesium. With the body’s need for near 5000 mg of potassium daily, I began to supplement and am conscious of getting it in my daily diet (without the starch of bananas and potatoes). Magnesium is needed to retain potassium, so I supplement this as well (along with Taurine and B6). Resveratrol, NAC, glutathione, zinc/copper, olive leaf, zeolite, Vit C & D with K2, and more, are a part of my daily protocol (in addition to the Body Electronics nutrient program I have been on for over 25 years). Muscle weakness somewhat relieved with Tru Niagen, as the main damage is in the mitochondria. Sunlight has been and continues to be of great help to build back the natural health of mitochondrial production of energy.
The ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting became my best friend. I felt the importance of not creating and healing insulin resistance by eating frequently (constantly causing insulin spikes). I also engaged wholeheartedly in reducing stress on the liver, pancreas and kidneys by significantly lowering carbohydrates, constant detoxification, enzyme therapy’s and removing all sugars. I keep my blood flowing freely with serrapeptase and nattokinase while remaining hydrated. This is but a few of many therapeutics I continuously practice, along with a ‘clean’ diet, intermittent detoxification and continuous supplementation. I remain hopeful for a full regeneration of organ and mitochondrial damage.
This post has a picture I recently had taken in Sedona, AZ where I travelled alone for the first time since the above occurred. I hiked the red rocks for a couple of weeks, and had no respiratory or heart issues, even at over 4,000 ft. above sea level. This was my test.
I am grateful for my tenacity, perseverance and commitment.
Pain when mentally transmuted, moves conscious awareness into greater levels of love (enthusiasm). This experience expanded my compassion exponentially, and has made me even more willing to share with others who are intensely willing to learn and change, so suffering can be avoided or removed.
I did this without the help of any institution, of which in my opinion have become corrupted by corporations, agendas and psychopathy. It is also my opinion that everyone in the medical profession, government and media (these 3 entities work in tandem) know what death, harm and injury have been caused by mandates, social engineering, and cleverly crafted contagions and injectables. The amount of death and destruction created by bio-weapon 1 & 2, is insurmountable.
Some may be wilfully ignorant.
May all come to realize what they have done/are doing and as a result of this realization make amends to the best of their ability and swear never to participate in harming others ever again, no matter what the consequences.
And for those who are involved in deliberately poisoning the air, food and water also be awakened to their wrongdoings. And with this awakening, stop causing any more harm which includes nanotechnology leading to trans-humanism (the interface of biology and technology).
Individuals involved in drug cartels, and in the trafficking of humans, may you awaken to your conscience.
I know that pure goodness is our spiritual blueprint. God given.
With consciousness we have individuality (choice), consciously, unconsciously and everything in between.
Humanity as a whole is not going in the right direction. The wars created by greed, with no regard for human life must stop now. Refuse to participate.
The agendas to entrap humanity, taking away personal freedoms through AI, are sneaking into daily life. Do not succumb.
It is now November of 2024. I now live in a beautiful home in the Kootenay Mountains, surrounded by forest. It has mountain water which is gravity fed into my home. I am grateful to be alive.
If you want to live, learn how to transmute any energies within you that is anything less than love. There are hundreds of free writings on this site.
Love yourself. It is a daily process to further expand the awareness of Love, and the practice.
See the following link for deeper information on wholistic self healing.