The past three plus years has brought many aspects to the fore. Obviously, health has been a focus of much confusion, psychological operations, lies and deceit.

In the realm of wholistic health, I recognize the 4 main components of health. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. If there is too much focus on one to the exclusion(s) of another, an imbalance occurs. It is my observation that mental/emotional health as been stressed to the maximum, which sidetracks attempts to maintain physical health.

Spiritual desperation occurs where fear enters the equation. This actually thwarts true spiritual connection.

In Body Electronics we recognize physical principles of nutrition, stillness and breath as the foundation to accessing the other three, to transmute resistance. Yet, we consider physical principles less than 10% of the equation. Body Electronics is not a mechanical process.

If you would like to speak with me about the four cornerstones of health, see options HERE.

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