Wholistic Fast Day 9
Physical Foundation to Emotional Transmutation
Physical principles are foundational as well as supportive to regeneration, vitality and the evolution of consciousness. They lead us to opportunities that open the suppressed aspects of ourselves for conscious application of transmutation. Healing on the physical level follows consciousness change- the release of resistance.
Let’s review the last 8 days. This gives us the foundation to incrementally move successfully into emotional principles.
DAY 1. Introduction of the Healing Crisis, nutrition, breath, and my booklet WHOLISTIC HEALTH MADE EASY
DAY 2. The importance of water, Fibanacci and other mysteries.
DAY 3. More on Healing Crisis (HC). Link to Book. Attachment. Resistance. Addictions. Grief.
Principle #1- Feel what you feel with love, forgiveness and gratitude.
DAY 4. Oxygen- Chlorophyll- Sunshine. Raw Protein. Quality INLAND Salt.
DAY 5. Entities. The Gut/Spirit Connection. Parasite cleanse. Probiotics.
DAY 6. Food Evolution/Revolution
DAY 7. Chaga Chai. Dental care. Injections ‘vaccines’.
DAY 8. Botanical Detoxification– Recipe and preparations.
Stillness & 3 part breath.
I call this process a Wholistic Fast, to highlight the need to let go, to release, to purge toxic substance, habits, patterns and programs that lead to dross and involution.
As I have shown, physical principles builds on itself. With every choice we make to release anything less than love and care for our physical vessel, allows a thrust into rapid evolution through the Healing Crisis.
Lovingly and willingly supporting the Healing Crisis with the following three main physical principles, opens up the emotional body which leads to true and lasting change of consciousness when the THREE POWERS of transmutation are actively applied.
3 Physical Principles
1. Nutrient saturation and the release of unhealthy habits/ addictive (compulsive) behaviour.
2. Stillness of Body.
3. 3 Part Breath- Deep, Even, Unceasing (not allowing pause at the end of the exhalation).
By remaining alert and aware to the biochemical triggers that arise in the HC, we ride the waves of change with grace. By removing sugars, corn/corn byproducts, glucose/fructose, all artificial sweeteners, artificial colour, chemical additives… we move cellular suppression into detoxification.
With a continuous upgrading of nutrition, we encourage the healing crisis to systematically decrease lymphatic congestion, parasites, unhealthy yeasts and fungi, viruses, unhealthy bacteria, chemical accumulation etc., by increasing the health of the immune system. Maintaining supplementation (esp. enzymes & minerals) as shown in the first 8 days we optimize the process of release.
Remain well hydrated.
On Day 10 we begin to look more deeply at emotional evolution through transmutation.
May we be inspired through the perils of the evolutionary process, savouring moments of discomfort into transformational bliss.