Victory to Spirit and Victory to Nature
It is all about consciousness.
The spinal centres open as consciousness changes through active transmutation.
We know the human spine has 33 vertebrae. The spine is the physical pathway where the molecular structure is fed by Prana/Chi/Ki-Energy. The universal fail safe allows the perfect amount of spiritual energy to flow though the spine, in direct response to consciousness. In this way we devolve, loop consciousness or evolve with increased access to Love. The universal Essence.
Earth has its own natural evolution. We are connected to, yet not limited by this. This earthly realm is a wholistic container for the evolution of consciousness, if we choose to fo do.
There are many levels of awareness on earth. Some seek to control, manipulate and rule over others. This level of consciousness has little to no emotion or conscience. For example, this is being played out in several anti-life agendas. Spending trillions on a Mars pursuit while ignoring starvation and homelessness, for example. Without higher emotion and conscience they have not been able to evolve, and will find their way through the involutionary spiral.
A large percentage of humans loop in emotion and unresolved trauma without the desire or willingness to take an active role in their own ability to change. The wheel of karma and reincarnation continues for them.
The third group of human inhabitants, are here to transform, transmute, transfigure and resurrect their own consciousness into new levels of Love, Light and Perfection.
Earth is a home for a Universal shift of consciousness.
Grace be upon us.

Photo- I was teaching a Body Electronics Intensive at Mount Shasta, we all went for a walk in between sessions. A nice shot of the suns rays. The sun plays a pivotal role in the evolution of consciousness, by feeding and activating the mitochondria.