Never Give Up/ Surrender

Duality has seeming contradictions.

Feel/see into duality, as we move from the emotional body into the mental body. Dualistic thought forms surface for the removal of resistance, resulting in fusion. Here the power of LIGHT is accessed and employed.

Not giving up while simultaneously surrendering is two seeming opposite sides. Yet when resistance is removed and union takes place, they are complimentary/in harmony to the evolutionary process.

Finding the word pattern, memory/thought pattern and emotion simultaneously is the necessary combination for transmutation within the emotional body.

Awareness of dualistic thought forms comes at the level of pain. Here the mental body may be accessed. When we find one side, we then look for the other. This may be made evident in word patterns such as; I don’t know/ I know. Transmuting resistance to both sides, sets up the duality for fusion. The harmonizing of separation.

Feel the duality/oneness of surrender/not giving up. This energy encourages the deepening of willingness to continue on the ever increasing intensity of the evolutionary path. Especially in the higher emotions of anger, pain and enthusiasm (love).

Painting by Kahlil Gibran

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