Client’s Experience


Online Sessions

Thoughts from participants.

“I have benefited from Illia’s Sessions and Intensives for nearly two decades.

As a young mother, she helped me process the trauma and grief of the loss of my mother and provided inspiration to raise my own family in a natural way.

Since that time I have participated in countless sessions, lectures, Body Electronics Pointholding Intensives, and spiritual pilgrimages led by Illia. These include Intensives in Sedona AZ, Mt. Shasta CA, Maui HI, and Salt Spring Island, BC.

Travelling with Illia is a joy and a teaching in and of itself. I have learned that the work is both simple and deeply layered, beautiful and intense.

One of Illia’s gifts is her ability to help stimulate the awareness of one’s resisted memories, emotions, and word patterns and to facilitate the personal work of “feeling what you feel with Love.” This is best experienced in person, during an Intensive led by Illia, with a group of willing and committed participants, yet it is also a daily, ongoing process of unfolding that Illia supports through her website and blog, videos, webinars and personal consultations.

In these times, each of us has a personal responsibility to our own spiritual evolution. I strongly encourage anyone on the path of evolving consciousness, to engage with Illia’s teachings and to connect with her personally.

Her authenticity, wisdom, and experience are gifts to our collective evolution and consciousness change.”

Rose Canino, Artist

 “Illia has a natural ability to bring to the surface, subconscious patterns for our perusal and edification.”

Zach Lang~ Alberta, Canada

 “To people who may hear this, specifically friends and clients of the work of Illia Heart-  this is a resounding letter of support based on my travel/healing experiences with her. I feel to paint a picture of what I have witnessed, of the wisdom and knowledge Illia embodies. From her vantage point , the regenerative potentiality of the human body is the hope and wonder of healing. Wholistic health may be accessed- harnessed within a very comprehensive systematic approach.  With a willingness to experience the contents of our own consciousness, to edit and refine- begins the process. Illia carries the honesty, compassion and discernment, necessary to hold the energy around and to facilitate profound healing. She shares practical methods with light heart. Illia is a joyful presence/catalyst of self-discovery mixed with a hearty dash of whimsy, childlike wonder of the miraculous opportunity we have as humans here on Earth. In my early initiations into Illia’s work, I chose to be part of a 22 day journey in Sedona, Arizona. This time had the side-effect of numerous spontaneous magical unfoldings instilling a deep appreciation of precious life. An example of personal responsibility within the healing process, Illia is also a tangible reminder that each of us is miraculous in life, in love, simply by being human. Life is ecstatic.”    Aeron McKenna- Fiber Artist~ Cedar Snail Textiles

“Illia provides a nurturing and safe container in which I felt very supported to be open and vulnerable, enabling me to do some very deep and profound inner work. She is very gentle and communicative, and at the same time, carries a great power and fire to encourage one to explore their own personal limitations and shadow. I have attended several healing Intensives and worked in private sessions with Illia. I would recommend Illia to any being seeking support or direction in their journey of healing and awakening. She has been and still is a bright shining beacon along my own personal path.”  Christopher Schroeder- Holistic Therapist-Kauai HI 

‘What a gift you are to planet Earth’. Illia, you have taught so many people how to heal themselves … to shed their skin of illusion and to begin anew each and every day. I know I’m not alone in saying thank you! I am thankful for your medicine every single day. Kathleen- Body Electronics student

Breathing in the stillness and beauty of the surroundings, Illia offers the environment conducive for healing.  Illia shares from a deep well of study and experience. The Wholistic Health Made Easy Workshop was full of gems. I highly recommend it! Bring your notebook.  Thank you Illia, for the opportunity that moved me in a new and healthy direction.

⚘Ruth- Vancouver, B.C.

I have participated in numerous course offering by Illia over the past 15 years and I can tell you that Illia is a powerhouse of knowledge and wisdom. Illia continues to inspire me to shine by going deeper… to know and feel what energy needs to be moved so that I can grow in love. Her teachings are multi-dimensional. Instantly I was struck by Illia’s profound intuition and her lighthearted spirit. Years later I find myself integrating and understanding the truths Illia has shared in surprising new ways. Illia knows her stuff because she has done the work herself and she lives her truth. I highly recommend a participating in anything Illia has to offer. There is no end to the beautiful unfolding of your soul. Rose Canino- Artist

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