The Body Electronics Experience by Illia Heart

My work has expanded beyond the teachings of Body Electronics. It includes the principles that I taught in B.E., with additional content. Thus, I have discontinued using the Body Electronics title to describe my work, yet you will see it used when it is relevant to what I am sharing.

The Body Electronics Experience written by me, may be found on Amazon. Link at the bottom on this page.

Introduction to Preparations HERE along with 12 Points on Body Electronics. The following link contains the cherished Logic In Sequence Series, free of charge. They are priceless, as they are no longer in print. I suggest having them printed/downloading to save this knowledge.

Since the introduction of Body Electronics to the world, a new explanation concerning the “Healing Crisis” has been necessary.


“A healing crisis will occur only when an individual is ready both physiologically and psychologically (and spiritually). The basic foundation for healing crisis is nutritional preparedness. A healing crisis (cure) will begin from within out, in reverse order chronologically as to how the symptoms have appeared, tempered by the intensity of the trauma. The individual will have the opportunity to re-experience (and release) each trauma, both physiological and psychological, beginning with the trauma of least severity (whatever we are ready and willing to process in that moment of time). It must be recognized that traumas involving emotions, which include all traumas, will be released in order beginning with unconsciousness, then apathy, grief, fear, anger, pain and eventually enthusiasm (love), in conjunction with the appropriate word patterns for each emotion and thought patterns (sensory memory) which are accessible at each level. Unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness are the keys to apply to transmute any resistance at any level once these resistances are brought to view through the application of the Laws of Love, Light and Perfection.

Amplification of the above concept is found in Book One of the “Logic in Sequence” series.

3. Body Electronics can best be explained initially by a physical demonstration in the physics laboratory. When a crystal is compressed it emits an energy and/or electric current, which can be measured by sensitive instrumentation. This energy or electrical current is known as the piezoelectric effect. In the human body there are formations of crystals in various acupressure points or reflex points or along the spine and elsewhere in the physical body. These crystals or calcifications are found within joints or in injury throughout the body and in the cranial sutures. As each crystal is compressed using specific Body Electronics technology, the crystal slowly dissolves and releases an energy, which can be experienced by the pointholder as well as the pointholdee. These energies will be explained in point twelve.
In Body Electronics, the pointholdee may have one or more pointholders. One person among the pointholders is appointed or chosen by the pointholdee to be a facilitator who will inquire from time to time as to what is happening (being accessed). One who is the facilitator will encourage the pointholdee (with intuition) to re-experience on the mental level all memories that present themselves and traumas as if they were occurring in the everpresent now.
 One and a half to two hours is the average time but there are exceptions. If pointholding is open ended it relieves one of stress or anxiety concerning time limits. Thus, one can relax and pay close attention to the “healing crisis” as it evolves. This open ended time element makes it difficult for professionals engaged in the healing arts to plan organized appointments. Therefore, the success of a good pointholding program is dependent upon people helping people rather than depending on a “therapist” from any existing healing modality. People must learn to be individually responsible and learn to help themselves.

An atmosphere of joy and enthusiasm is desirable to be maintained during pointholding but not to the degree of distracting the individual from placing attention on the traumas and resistances, which appear to the consciousness of the pointholdee as the crystal is in the process of dissolving.  It must be understood that the pointholder may be going through a healing crisis while one is “holding” points. This should be handled in a like manner until the pointholding is complete and the healing crisis is over.
Let us now consider the concept of the everpresent now. The understanding of the everpresent now is a difficult concept for some to accept or understand due to the fact that all mankind to one degree or another is caught up in the lifestream of continual activity, which traps the attention of the individual.
This catching of the attention by outer activity can be thought of as trapped attention wherein one ceases to recognize that all outer activity is the outer manifestation of inner essence.  With this in mind after pondering and prayer the candid and reflective mind will begin to understand the healing crisis as the body mechanism begins to repair itself through the change of consciousness of the individual. Thought is senior to substance. Substance does not construct thought as substance is present for the purpose of being acted upon by intelligence. Thought controls and determines the structure of substance. One will eventually understand that the only creative forces in the universe are thought (sensory experience), feelings (emotionality) and the spoken word (verbal expressions in word and thought). These three, thought, feeling and spoken word we must learn how to master.

The mastery of Body Electronics in its fullest expression encompasses the Laws of Love, Light and Perfection, which are explained in the Logic in Sequence Series. This is one path an individual may choose to follow on the pathway of individual self-realization or enlightenment. Nothing is ever gained without spiritual seeking which is a distinct mental attitude composed of will and determination — a focused intent. Nothing is ever gained without a specific asking, which is a direct verbal request for that which one desires from a spiritual source. Nothing is ever obtained without knocking, which is a physical act of doing all one can do to keep those laws and principles of a universal nature which give life and light to the physical body. These laws and principles are the laws of God. Faith and belief is not enough. Faith without works is dead. Faith without appropriate obedience to natural law is to no avail. The facilitator must never ask a person why. In reality one does not really know why one reacts. The question “why?” is meaningless and therefore must be deleted from meaningful questioning or

responsible guidance. The conscious mind can manufacture a multitude of of reasons or justifications why one did something but the simplicity of the entire matter is that a reaction stems from suppressed programming which may even be a genetic inheritance. Ask the individual what is happening now, where is it happening, when is it happening?
Work within a framework of reality and certainty in this life, with this body and do not encourage one to put one’s attention on speculation or fantasy.
All that is necessary to master is in this life now. Please remember that the avoidance of reality is disguised in a number of ways. The facilitator should always encourage the pointholdee to re-experience all traumas or experience in the everpresent now since all memories were at one time experienced in the everpresent now, and they were resisted in the everpresent now. The facilitator must remember that he/she is not the psychiatrist who probes. The facilitator encourages the pointholdee to be discrete and to discipline oneself to experience all things on the mental level while disciplining the physical body by holding the body still. The facilitator should encourage/remind one to hold still and to breath deep and regular. One must be patient, kind and gentle regarding these matters as one is not immediately the epitome of self-discipline and it will take some time to learn to master these things. One must remember that little is gained by venting one’s emotion and to reactively flip and flop around like a fish out of water. To be productive as one will learn from experience, all these emotions and memories must be experienced on the mental level within a framework of self-discipline of body, emotions and mind. It must be stressed that some people are unstable and should not participate with Body Electronics. Do not be too quick to help an individual until you have some understanding of their past. If they are on medication, leave them on that medication and under no circumstances remove them from that medication but let the need be ascertained by the Medical practitioner who is skilled in his field. Remember: Overzealousness must be tempered with caution and wisdom. Know the nature of the individual you desire to serve.

4. In the human body a “crystal” or calcification can be compared to a computer chip or microchip. In reality, a crystal in the human body is an “organic computer chip” full of stored memory. This memory is gradually released which is then re-experienced by the individual, which is called healing crisis. Healing crisis has been defined in point two. This suppressed memory can be the result of physical or emotional trauma wherein resistance to an experience of life has occured. If these crystals are genetically inherited then they will have some form of genetic memory stored within the crystal. A sustained pressure is exerted in a specific manner during this entire process until it is complete. This shall briefly be described later. Regarding the sustained acupressure, one should first of all be sure that the fingernails are clippped short (and filed) as not to penetrate the skin during pointholding. The pain from a fingernail is unnecessary and distracting and can be damaging to the skin. The hands should be washed and clean prior to pointholding. If a body part is without innervation or is numb one may not feel pain, thus heavy acupressure will not be productive and one may unknowingly traumatize the tissue under heavy pressure. Common sense and communication is important. One should keep the pressure sustained on the point that one can be kept on the brink of being able to lovingly and willingly endure the pain. Remember: One is not causing pain when pressing gently on a pressure point, one is releasing carefully the suppressed pain which is encoded in the crystal.

 When one lovingly and willingly endures the pain in a given area of concern; all anger, fear, grief, apathy, and unconsciousness are rapidly transmuted by the pain, while the pain is being transmuted by loving enthusiasm. It’s important to note that one realize while applying pressure on the point that the pointholdee may not feel the numbness, pain, heat, cold, electricity, throbbing, etc., immediately.

5. It is imperative to learn that one of the prime prerequisites to effective Body Electronics is to learn to “Lovingly and Willingly Endure all of the Experiences of Life.” One must be constantly aware of what is transpiring in one’s life and to look for the lesson to be learned from the universe as one patiently experiences each activity of life with non-resistance and with the spirit of unlimited gratitude. One must learn to release all patterns of resistances such as old grudges and hard feelings with unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness, knowing that for the most part that people do what they are programmed to do and have very little free agency to overcome this programming that they may conduct their life in a different manner. Once we understand this we can freely forgive people for what they have done because, in essence, they really do not have a clear perception as to why they do what they do. For the most part we are all creatures of reaction and are delightful
deviations from the norm.

6. In reference to point five, it is therefore always appropriate that all pointholders and pointholdees be reminded that one must never allow judgment, criticism, or condemnation to enter one’s mind toward any other person or thing. We must all learn that what we resist in life will be drawn to us with computer like precision. If we inspect carefully our inner thoughts, putting all self-justification aside for how we act or react, we will find within ourselves the very faults, which we are so quick to see in others. The faults we see in others which attract our attention should be an immediate signal to go inside and search for the error in our own thinking. This is appropriate instruction for both pointholders and pointholdees. Without question it is a difficult job to apply this instruction, yet it is far better to be the master of one’s self than to conquer an enemy on the battlefield of war.

7. To fully understand the depth of effectiveness that Body Electronics is capable of attaining one must learn to understand the following principle:

“Until man can experience on the mental level that which exists on the physical level, he will be bound to the physical.”

This is explained in depth in Chapter One of Book One of the Logic in Sequence Series. What exactly does Body Electronics do? It begins by restoring the nerve supply to the body, which enables a restoration of communication to take place between the cell and the brain. When the nerve supply is restored, then circulation to the body part affected is restored. When the circulation is restored, then the nutrient saturation necessary for bodily regeneration can reach the cells and tissues. Toxins are flushed out of the cells and the cells regain their normal function, after a “healing crisis” is experienced by the individual.
Prior to Body Electronics application, which is called pointholding, one can examine the pain threshold of the pointholdee by a gentle “pinch test.” A high pain threshold indicates a degree of ennervation or lack of nerve supply. As Body Electronics is applied there will exist a restoration of nerve supply, which can be evidenced by greater sensitivity or a lower pain threshold when the pinch test is applied. A low pain threshold indicating the ability to “feel” is now restored to the individual, which is a desired state as it always precedes healing or regeneration of the body.

8. In order to understand the necessity of the application of individual responsibility to one’s life as one has increased memory and awareness as a result of Body Electronics, one must learn to appropriately apply the “List” to one’s life. The explanation of the “List” is thoroughly explained in Chapter Eleven of Book One in the Logic in Sequence Series.
After pointholding there is much that has not been brought to a person’s awareness, which should be reflected in the “List.” The List requires constant change and revision as one works diligently toward the completion of each item on the List. Remember: We always work from simple to complex, from easy to difficult, wherein each item when completed should be acknowledged before progression to the next item on the List.

9. A requirement for the effective application of Body Electronics will be a specially designed nutritional program as determined by the Iris-Sclera Integrated Diagnosis as designed and taught by John Whitman Ray. This diagnostic procedure will include an appropriate herbal and nutritional supplementation program as well as a defined program for the application of Body Electronics. This may be sought from a Certified Body Electronics Instructor.
It is imperative to understand that a nutrient saturation program is essential for Body Electronics to be effective. When Body Electronics is effective, eventually, usually after several pointholdings one may experience a burning searing pain. At this time one is encouraged to breath into the pain deep and regularly as one is holding the body still. `One is reminded to Lovingly and Willingly Endure the Pain with gratitude and enthusiasm. The enthusiasm gradually transmutes the pain in which in turn transmutes the suppressed anger, fear, grief, apathy and unconsciousness. Once the emotional body is transmuted one then is capable of having access to the mental body and can then discern in the area of transmuted emotionality free from the bondage of emotional reaction.

10. It is important to understand that as the crystal or calcification dissolves under the influence of the sustained acupressure, the encoded sensory experience, verbal expression, and emotionality that has been suppressed subtly or dramatically during trauma and which has been encoded or recorded in the crystal or calcification will arise to the consciousness of the individual to be mentally re-experienced. The sustained acupressure is non-traumatic, non-invasive and when applied appropriately, releases a hologram of sensory experience, verbal expressions, and gradient emotionality, which is released in the following order: Unconsciousness or numbness, apathy, grief, fear, anger, pain and enthusiasm. It must be understood that anything resisted forms a suppressed composite energy pattern, which causes a distortion in the morphogenetic field resulting in a corresponding eventual crystallization in body tissues, which have a similar resonant frequency to the suppressed hologram. The composite wave of energy from the suppressed thought, feeling and spoken word is eventually encoded in the crystal which then becomes the outer manifestation of the inner consciousness.

11. Sustained acupressure is applied in a manner, which is organized, prioritized, and sequentially designated as seen on the flow sheet.

If the procedure is followed patiently and systematically then the encoded sensory experience, verbal expressions and emotionality recorded within the crystal will arise to the consciousness of the individual to be mentally re-experienced. As one goes through consciousness change, the iris fibre structure may change in the corresponding indicated areas. One will see pigment change wherein brown will gradually change to blue, even dark pigment spots will lighten, decrease in size and eventually vanish from the iris. One will see specific iris markings gradually move toward the perfection of iris configuration, free from structural distortions. One will also see significant sclera markings undergo dramatic change. Remember: The eye (Iris and Sclera) is the window to the soul.

12. As the resistances are re-experienced and the sequential emotionality is released, one then moves gradually from the entrapment of the emotional body into the mental body where discernment can occur. Discernment cannot occur when one is dominated by reactive emotionality. With discernment one is then capable of gradually encompassing a series of ever increasing subtle dualities with impartiality and equanimity, releasing each time the identification with one end of the existing duality. At this time the body will experience the vibration of regeneration as the duality is encompassed. The physical body is now renewing or regenerating. The body regains its elasticity, the spinal calcifications disappear and the middle age prime returns. All of this can only take place as one assumes responsibility for life and corrects or amends on the physical level for all human discord that is out of harmony with unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness.
The pointholder who holds the designated point as part of a prioritized sequence will continually sustain the pressure on the point without moving or changing fingers and will experience one or all of the following: Numbness, pain, electricity, tingling, throbbing or pulsing, heat, coldness or burning.
When all of these are completed the point is “flat” and the fingers will be as they were when first placed on the point. At this point the application of Body Electronics can come to a satisfactory end for that session. If a systematic, non-varying cycling occurs such as heat to cool, cool to heat, heat to cool, cool to heat, etc. this is an indication that one has reached a point where the mineral supply of the body is exhausted and no further progress can be made with the dissolution of the crystals or calcifications. At this time the activity comes to an end with the admonition to increase the necessary nutrients and especially the mineral intake. Provisions are made to complete the same points another time where pointholding can resume where it left off. The experience of cycling is common and is often found where nutrient saturation is not being carefully followed.Record should be made by the pointholdee, of points held with the date and notes which are pertinent to the session (word pattern etc.) should be required to jog further memory. The pointholders consult a chart of sequential points and proceed in order with variation as determined by indicated priorities. The facilitator instructs the pointholdee to hold the body still and breathe deeply while experiencing whatever comes to the awareness. All is experienced with unconditional love and forgiveness. One person (pointholder) is capable of holding points with excellent results.  There are occasions when it is preferable for one person to hold one specified point, such as found in Cranial Electronics. The mechanics of the process involved cannot be adequately explained here, as it is experiential rather than intellectual in its scope. Once one experiences the process then one will understand, wherein all the words in the world cannot explain the process as one grasps the causative factors of the inner essence. It is like trying to capture a wisp of wind in the hand and trying to preserve it forever, it cannot be done. As we grasp and apply the fundamentals we eventually self-realize that the physical body and the environment around us reflects our inner consciousness.  Body Electronics in its advanced application of specific principles helps one to free himself from the self-imposed shackles from which one has been unable to escape. One must first of all learn the application of unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness with non-resistance to all of the experiences of life and to be grateful for all that the universe serves up on our plate. Through the teachings of Body Electronics, it is imperative to recognize that we will eventually understand that we have drawn to ourselves by the law of attraction all that which we have resisted. Every thought is meaningful. We reap what we have sown, therefore we must be careful of every thought, word and deed. We now have the opportunity to undo all of our indiscretions and place ourselves by choice, in harmony with Universal Law. As love encompasses all emotionality, allowing the transmutation of the resisted thought, feeling and spoken word, we observe a profound effect on the morphogenetic field. The morphogenetic field is determined by thought and in turn determines the structure of the body and of all living things and the structure of the universe itself. When this love transmutes all resistance on the level of emotionality, then there is a morphogenetic field change and the DNA of the body changes. At the same time all related DNA substance goes through a corresponding change. The human body and related bodies experience profound change through what is known as a “Healing Crisis” which results in a transmutation of disease symptoms. Thus the human body returns to its perfect DNA form as expressed in the prime of life. The physical body is the doorway to spirituality. As we master and discipline the physical, according to the Laws of Love, Light and Perfection, which is the first step, we then progress to the discipline and mastery of the emotional body and finally the mental body, in that order. As this unfolds the outer degenerative conditions of aging and disease gradually disappear and the perfection of the perfect DNA emerges.
Each of you are now invited to discover yourself, from the inside out.
                                                           John Whitman Ray

The Body Electronics Experience by Illia Heart and How We Heal, by Douglas Morrison are prerequisite course books for all of Illia’s Intensives. Both are in print and may be found on Amazon.

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