
Self Responsibility

The looping of thought and emotion begins with unconscious projection into our environment.

If you choose to delve into this deeply, see Logic In Sequence series gifted freely on this site.

Projection increases in potency in relation to emotional level it is coming from (resonating) on the scale of 7×7. For those of you who have studied, experienced and/or contemplated complexities found within the emotional body, seen in the construct of the 7 levels within 7 levels, you have reference to what I am speaking. True knowing comes with experience.

From the levels of unconsciousness and apathy, the projections will be weak, as will the effect. This is a universal fail safe, for as we are evolving, we experience increased effect behind our thoughts, words and emotion. In grief, the general memory begins to come through, and the individual senses and feels at a deeper level. This expresses itself as general memory with a perception of victimization.

When we reach the crossroads in fear, we are learning the evolutionary movement with increased willingness, lovingness, forgiveness and gratitude. This pushes us upward into the thymus, where resistance within personal relationships may be seen and resolved, providing we are actively participating in the transmutation process.

This challenges us to greater levels of participation in the transmutation process. Here great opportunity for clearing pathways both physical and emotional abound, leading us eventually to the thyroid which resonates with patterns of power and control in anger. Remember this is experienced at each level in the 7×7. As we dissolve the patterns we find (the three powers), regeneration occurs.

When we have moved the energy through 28 levels, embracing fearful pain with loving enthusiasm, the shift into greater awareness comes radically at the level of anger. Inner vision is increasing exponentially. The ‘its all about me’ pattern comes front and center. The ‘my way’ seems prominent until we reach the painful level of anger at level 34. Anger can give us a false sense of power and control. Do not let it seduce you. There is true power and control in enthusiasm. But first pain must be embraced.

When in painful anger, we begin to see others perspective’s much more clearly, which leads the willing to deepening levels of self forgiveness. From here we move to the painful level of pain. This is where duality is clearly seen and felt. How we created our experiences becomes ever more clear. Deep humility and compassion are accessed here, intensify it. From here the mental body becomes accessible.

Self discipline, self control, on the spot transmutation is kept active and alive. Projections (internal and external) at this level become very powerful. The loop from unchecked and misused projections boomerang until we realize non projection within true power and control.

Emotional pain takes effort, as much is suppressed. Here deep compassion is strengthened. By loving our personal pain, forgiving our self as memory/emotion/word patterns arise, we allow clearer inner vision to surface.

Enthusiasm/love is the energy at the top of each level of emotion. This energy has the ability to transmute all beneath it. Find it. Encompass anything less than love.

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