What, when and how much is at the core of each interaction. This requires discernment, which increases as we move into greater awareness.
In this physical reality the spirit of seeking/asking for assistance in our quest for enlightenment is necessary.
Solicited means assistance has been requested, agreed upon, rendered and an appropriate exchange is made.
Unsolicited is when it is not requested and given anyway. There is exceptions to every rule. The rule of thumb is to not give advice unless asked. I practice this faithfully unless I see the person really wants/needs the information, yet does not know to ask, or how to ask- then I follow a higher law.
This is really about higher and lower (not greater or lesser) natural law.
Physical being the lower, to emotional, to mental, then to spiritual. Not that one is better or worse than another, they all have their part and purpose in this sphere of life.
Physical is foundational albeit a small percentage, like a springboard into the mental/emotional aspects of life.
So, when one puts themselves out there to share, as a teacher, a practitioner, an elder etc. we embrace giving in appropriate measure.
Asking combined with maintaining awareness to receive becomes a constant inner process, with the commitment to move on the evolutionary path according to natural law.
The circle of this is; what is received when turned into wisdom may then be shared appropriately. One clear indication of selfless service is putting the other’s needs ahead of any financial gain. My income is reliant on the work I do, but it is not my motivation for doing it.
As we learn and grow we continually practice the art of temperance; knowing what is right in the moment, sharing in the flow of when, what and how much to give and receive.