Meeting A Wolf

In July of 2019, I was visiting my sons in Southwest Ontario, Canada. On a beautiful clear morning I was enjoying the sunrise at the back of the house. All was quiet except for the birds. Suddenly I heard a unfamiliar sound. Around the corner of the house came a bolting young deer. It ran past me only a few feet away. I thought, ‘I wonder why it is running so fast? With that thought..a reddish blur ran past. In a moment of reaction I jumped up, yelled and loudly clapped my hands. The blur slid on her brakes (I think it was an alpha female), looped around in a circle to her left, came back around to face me. We starred at each other directly in the eyes from approximately 5 feet, I back in my chair. What a beauty, what a strength. I surrendered to the moment. We stayed in locked stare for at least one minute..yet this seemed longer. Neither of us moving a muscle. Then she kind of jumped from the front quarters, to get back on task. Down the hill she ran to the edge of the bush where the deer had made its way. She did a long looping figure eight back and forth, back and forth..until I heard the screams of the deer, which took about three or four minutes. Later, discussing it with a local farmer, who said ‘she would have been giving a hunting lesson to her pups, there have been two packs of red timber wolves sighted’. I heard them barking later, not like dogs, much more clear communications. There were at least three pups and three adults. That night was the full moon, and they sung. I had not really felt a connection with wolves until that day, even though I have had companionship with dogs. Grateful for them to be back on this land where I spent a lot of my life.

View from where I was sitting.

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