May enthusiasm flourish as we initiate change.
This 43 day process will push your buttons, reveal your addictions and bring emotional resistance to the fore. It’s side effects may include but are not limited to; reduced inflammation, less toxicity, improved immunity, greater awareness, increased creativity and Joy.
God Speed
The video above was made last year, it is now the 5th annual WF. For the next few weeks we commit to a sequential process of letting go of that which suppresses, and that which has been suppressed; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Some bio-chemical addiction will be removed by the completion of the fast, making healthy choice natural. If healing is what we desire, it is important to know how to encourage and support the Healing Crisis (HC).
Definitions of a Healing Crisis;
1. Awareness of previous suppression within the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
2. ‘It’ feels worse before getting better. Physical symptoms can come out of suppression where they may be felt. This occurs with emotion as well. Awareness precedes release.
3. THE LAW OF HEALING CRISIS by JOHN WHITMAN RAY- Founder of Body Electronics.
“A healing crisis will occur only when an individual is ready both physiologically and psychologically. The basic foundation for healing crisis is nutritional preparedness. A healing crisis (cure) will begin from within, in reverse order chronologically as to how the symptoms have appeared, tempered by the intensity of the suppression (resisted experience or trauma). The individual will have the opportunity to re-experience (and release) each trauma, both physiological and psychological, beginning with the trauma of least severity (whatever we are ready and willing to process in that moment of time). It must be recognized that traumas involving emotions, which include all traumas, will be released in order beginning with unconsciousness, then apathy, grief, fear, anger, pain and eventually enthusiasm (love), in conjunction with the appropriate word patterns for each emotion and thought patterns (sensory memory) which are accessible at each level. Unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness are the keys to apply to transmute any resistance at any level once these resistances are brought to view through the application of the Laws of Love, Light and Perfection.
4. Hering’s Law of Cure- 1822
All cure starts from the head down and may be in reverse order as the symptoms have occurred.
The ‘fast is based upon principles and practices. This knowledge when applied effects change- consciousness change.
Each person has a unique history and constitution. Most have become dependent on others opinions, and have lost connection with inherent inner guidance. May the information shared over the next few weeks provide you with a deeper sense of sovereignty. Honour your process, without denials, excuses or justifications. This fast increasingly encourages detoxification and revitalization through the continued encouragement of the Healing Crisis. Do so at your own pace. Find surrender in discomfort.
The links throughout the Fast, gives increasingly deeper perspective.
Wholistic ascension begins from the physical level. Each of the 43 days offers additional applications. You may not yet have ingredients for herbal blends or supplements, so that would be the day you may choose to purchase/order them.
Remain hydrated. Detoxification relies upon it.
Witness the sunrise daily.
Do a daily walk where there are trees.
Find high quality spring water, and drink a minimum of one half the body’s weight in ounces each day for minimal hydration. The Bodies Many Cries For Water is a good resource for understanding hydration. Adding lemons to water assists to alkalize and detoxify.
The following link with video provides basic information on necessary supplementation for optimum bodily function. These 5 essentials are the foundation for digestion and assimilation of nutrients, optimal detoxification and ultimately regeneration.
To encouragement alkalinity, remove food and drink that acidifies. Number 1- Sugar and sugar substitutes. Urine is one bodily fluid where pH (power of hydrogen) may be observed. To see consistency at 7.4- 7.6. is considered an optimum urine pH. This takes time and effort. We require sufficient stomach acid (pH of 1.5- 3.5) to digest efficiently. This can be supported by taking diluted apple cider vinegar, and by supplementing betaine hydrochloride.
The following breathing exercises by Wim Hof brings increases oxygenation and subsequently decreases acidity. I find his breathing exercises helpful to bring increased awareness through oxygenation.
Get some pH test strips (Prairie Natural’s makes them in Canada) and monitor your first urination daily through out the fast.
Practice the following guided breath work daily throughout the fast, as it assists the detoxification process.
Sold on Amazon or download the free PDF below.
Likes, shares and comments are greatly appreciated.
This entire Wholistic Fast (as well as everything included on this site) is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice, to treat, to diagnose, to cure or to prescribe.
Thank you..this is a great time for embracing these practices!
Yes! Thank YOU!!
Thank you, Illia. Great way to begin a new chapter ~
Yes, 43 days of letting go, encouraging healing crisis and evolving consciousness.