Truth Principles

What are truth principles?

Why are they important?

Truth principles is a general broad term open to interpretations of all kinds.

In terms of Body Electronics, here is some definition and clarification.

The intent and focus of this work is to clear pathways to love, freedom, beauty, joy, trust, truth..within this evolutionary process.

Focus on editing and refining internally, while maintaining the effects externally.

By internally, I am speaking of consciousness of mind and emotion.

These are complex energies, that get rendered into words incapable of truly describing or expressing effectively.

We know from experience that the evolutionary process begins with the physical form. By providing or withholding what the physical requires to induce a Healing Crisis, for hormonal and cellular regeneration, we set the foundation for rapid change in consciousness. Physical preparedness is foundational to the process.

The spirit of willingness increases as we move forward to begin or continue the transmutation process. The principles to apply within surfacing emotion are what I call ‘The Three Powers“.

  • LOVE

We access one or more of these powers and apply the energies when emotion arises. What is left after the transmutation process comes into natural harmony. This is an ever continuing process.

After much efforts in releasing traumas, resentments, hatred, fears, griefs, apathy, pain, unconsciousness, angers, we begin to see the mental body with its dualistic construct. The principles here are:

  • Unconditional Love
  • Light, Violet Fire that comes through as the Pineal opens.

Here we see how we create and uncreate. Our inner vision is expanded into the knowingness of Spirit.

Clarity of intuition is restored.

Inspirations and unseen assistance increases.

Life simplifies, beauty abounds, inspired creativity in service to the whole becomes more and more focused.

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