
New beginnings are sacred times of enhanced conscious awareness. I am in a new home, in a new area of B.C. Canada. I am watching the careful placement in my new space, with emphasis on beauty and comfort. Where to watch the sunset and sunrise came first. Chairs were placed. Moonrise came, another chair.

Stones take there rightful place. Copper vessels placed for the birds. Offerings burned. Flowers from the market.

Simple Elegance.


As I begin anew, enthusiasm reigns supreme.

I ask myself what now?

The answer is simple. Service.

I accept the elder years to share and be of good service where invited.

I am offering online sessions. Always with a donation option.

I have been given so much from elders who gave fully. I accept whatever one feels to give.

Giving and receiving is a circle of beauty.

Mitakuye Oyasin- All is Related

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