Keep the organs of elimination flowing freely through regular detoxification.
Eat nutritious food, with a 80% alkaline to 20% acid.
Within the 80%, eat approximately 1/2 raw. This provides enzymes required for digestion and assimilation, resulting in the necessary nutrients required for hormone production and balance. Raw food helps to stave off further enzyme deficiency.
Enzyme supplementation is still required, even with a high percentage raw food diet.
I have yet to see anyone, including children who do not require enzyme supplementation, due to long standing enzyme deficiency.
Ensure continued alkaline/acid health by eliminating sugars (including all corn byproducts), coffee, soy, alcohol, dairy, wheat and pork. See the chart below for alkalizing foods.
Adding daily apple cider vinegar, promotes a healthy stomach acid, which assists digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Less muco-protein (undigested protein) will be created, that leads to acidity and toxicity.