Evolving Service

What is Service? The ability to assist others on the evolutionary path.

“As human beings we have a tremendous responsibility to heal, and live a gentle loving life on planet Earth. It is then we may live healthy, in freedom as a global community, interdependent with Nature. It is this vision that inspires me to continue my healing path, sharing along the way. As we accept personal responsibility, we are given more and more opportunities to learn and grow. From this we share and the Circle expands.

Service is as individual as we are.

When we ask ourselves this question, we see where our service resonates on the scale of emotion.

I have seen many come to the work with hopes of serving the genetic/generational patterns. As we work on our individual patterns of resistance, we find our abilities to serve change as we do.

What motivates us to serve?

The first person we have to serve is our self. In the self service we move our energy up the emotional scale where service becomes ever more lacking in compulsive patterns. This is how important emotional transmutation is. The less the emotional resistance, the more love/compassion may be accessed.

Serve well.

John W. Ray and Doug Morrison on the topic of resistance. Vintage 1990’s.

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