2 thoughts on “Illia Heart- Teaching Body Electronics- More Videos

  1. Good Evening, Illia. Writing to you from Qld, Australia. Yesterday I believe we connected on fb, where my name is Merlin George? However, just an fb name. My name is Ka-Mu-Ra Joy De Silva. I have only just delved a little into your website, but liking the content very much.
    In approx 2003-2005, I purchased a VHS six day Seminar course by Dr Ray, as a friend and I were extremely interested in his amazing work.
    Sadly, we have not continued to follow it all these years. Unforseen personal circumstances arising as they do, continually.
    I have the complete course, video tapes x 20, manuals,etc, still in pristine condition, played when first purchased, perhaps only a few times.
    The most awesome and informative content! As you would be aware.
    I must severely downsize everything possible, and would love to find an interested buyer for this course. I do not know if it is easily available anywhere? Or the current cost? perhaps you may be interested, or know someone who would love this collection of priceless information? Perhaps there are even interested practitioners in Australia? Could post anywhere, however. Can I email you some photos of the collection, Illia? Sincerely your’s, Ka-Mu-Ra Joy.

    1. I suggest putting it out to anyone in Australia who are interested, and who still own a vhs player. I put all of Johns tapes on dvd, and digital 20 years ago, as the vhs were starting to break down.

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