Giving and Receiving

The earth realm offers countless opportunities to express the giving/receiving of Unconditional Love. The flow of Love, for Love’s sake. No agenda, no conditions. Reciprocity in it’s natural form. This comes naturally with the release of resistance to life. Check in with yourself to see how clear (resistance free) you give of yourself and your gifts.

Giving and Receiving

Gene Egidio gifted me the healing hands image seen on his book below. This depicts giving and receiving beautifully. Gene visited Toronto in the early 1990’s where I attended a healing intensive with him. He also gave me a crystal that I wear to this day, along with words of wisdom that inspired me to share more fully the gifts of healing. Gene held a powerful healing energy that he shared generously. He helped a lot of people. We receive life giving energy from the sun and the earth, that allow for our existence here, and then we give of our gifts. Nature. This way the circle continues to ever expanding freedom.

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