Sexual Detoxification

During a Healing Crisis, one of the first physical responses is greater awareness of sexual energy as unconsciousness unlocks its hold on the gonads. This is not the time to engage another in sexual expression. This is the time to unravel and release sexual programs, trauma, addiction, shame etc. out of unconscious emotion. This allows for emotional upscale movement.

Sexual Energy In HC

Upon activation of the Healing Crisis at the level of unconsciousness (where HC begins) hyperactivity of the gonads occurs. Remember this occurs in unconsciousness at every new level of emotion in the seven times seven. With each level the awareness increases.

This hyperactivity of unconsciousness may be experienced as sexual stimulation.  This in turn induces more hormonal stimulation. Here it is important to remember to supplement protease, as growth hormones are stimulated.

See 12 Points on Enzymes in The Body Electronics Experience.

Excerpt from The Body Electronics Experience

Sexual Energy

Upon activation of the Healing Crisis at the level of

unconsciousness (where HC begins) hyperactivity of

the gonads occurs. Remember this occurs in

unconsciousness at every new level of emotion in the

seven times seven. With each level the awareness


The hyperactivity of unconsciousness may be

experienced as sexual stimulation. At this time of

hormonal stimulation it is important to remember the

lymphatic enzymes. See HWH

Acknowledge the H.C. in unconsciousness/gonads the

same as when we have hyperactivity of the

thyroid/anger or any other emotion, we remind

ourselves of the H.C. in the moment as it is happening,

and we catch it (apply transmutation) before projecting

it outward. There will be a relative level of balance experienced from a more sensitive perspective after the

Healing Crisis has been worked with. Individually and

collectively we hold sexual trauma. It is prudent to work

with the associated memory, words and emotion related

to our sexuality.

When it comes to sexual energy, because of the strong

magnetic force (unconscious desire to procreate)

combined with the unconscious layers of resistance. We

can sometimes forget that it is a Healing Crisis, and

seek to involve another.

Over the years I have practiced methods of moving the

sexual energy with breath, while working through layers

of emotional/mental patterns involved.

This assists in an expanding awareness and release of

emotional resistance that is held in regards to sexuality.

Stored potentialities of creation are present within the

fluids and complex energetic composition of Sexual


Read more in the free download below. Also available on Amazon.

 We acknowledge the hyperactivity within the healing crisis in unconsciousness/gonads the same way we experience hyperactivity in all of the emotional levels, thyroid/anger, pancreas/grief, heart,thymus/fear, spleen/apathy, pituitary/pain, pineal/enthusiasm. Be alert to the H.C. in the moments it presents. Apply transmutation without projecting it outward into the energetic field. There will be a relative level of balance experienced from a more sexually aware (loving) perspective after the Healing Crisis has been worked with.  Individually and collectively we hold sexual trauma. It is prudent to work with the associated memory, words and emotion related to our sexuality.

 Sexual energy holds a strong electromagnetic force, with patterns (unconscious need to procreate/survive), combined with unconscious layers of resistance.

Over the years of actively allowing unconsciousness to surface for the purpose of transmutation, I found practising pranayam (discipline of breath) effective in moving energies upward through the spinal centers. Specifically alternate nostril breathing which creates a balancing in the Ida/Pingala. Not to suppress but to strengthen the spinal electromagnetic movements. This assists in working through layers of emotional/mental patterns that present.

Alternate nostril breathing~
Rest thumbs on either side of nostrils, with the
third fingers touching slightly at top of head.
Press right thumb on nostril and breathe deeply
and evenly through left nostril while counting slowly to 7.

Press thumbs gently on both nostrils and hold breath
while counting to 7.

Release thumb from right
nostril and exhale evenly while counting to 7,
Pull abdomen in at the end of the exhale.

Do not pause at end of exhalation

Go directly into inhalation.

Inhale through right nostril to 7.
Press right thumb, hold breath to a count of 7,
release left thumb and exhale from left nostril.
Breathe in left nostril at a count of 7.

Twelve rounds practiced twice daily.

Count one round each time you inhale from right nostril. At the
end of the twelfth inhalation through right nostril,

release pressure on both nostrils and exhale
completely through both nostrils.

Breathe deeply through both nostrils, exhaling completely x 12.

This assists in expanding awareness with the release of emotional resistance that is held in regards to sexuality. Self forgiveness to how we interact with sexual trauma is paramount. This world has 2 main programs affected mass consciousness, sex and money. Transmute the patterns you hold in relation to these, and you have moved out a tremendous amount of incapacitating energy.

There are 33 vertebrae in the human spine. By opening the emotional centers though the spine, the nervous system is fed. With transmutation of patterns and programs, regeneration occurs.

Artwork by Kahlil Gibran

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