Wholistic Detoxification
This initiative has its roots in part in wholistic detoxification. To let go of ‘things’ that cloud and suppress awareness, we naturally create a snowball effect of consciousness change. As we move through layers upon layers of suppression, the natural side effect is increased awareness.
Restoring our natural state of awareness means facing what we once suppressed. As greater awareness surfaces, we get to see the many ways in which we resisted life.
This is not easy. No one can do it for us. This process can be shown, yet each of us has to navigate our own ascension of consciousness.
In the first few days of the WF, I spoke on physical substance to systematically remove, while adding what the body requires for detoxification. With the addition of nutrient saturation we upgrade our vitality in preparation for the effects of regeneration.
This clears some of the bio-chemical cloud that shrouds consciousness, allowing emotion to come forth. Being present in a willing and loving state to the forthcoming emotion takes practice. There is a belief/pattern/program that emotion is either positive or negative. This programmed the mind to immediately judge emotion as it rises. To be present, lovingly and willingly, keeps judgement from further suppressing authentic emotion. By feeling without projection, we consciously contain the emotional energy, readying it for release. Transmutation (permanent change of consciousness) can then take place.
As we become more emotionally conscious, pain is inevitably accessed.
Welcome it. Enjoy it. Enthusiastically love how it feels.
From emotional pain the mental body opens to reveal where attachment lies within the dualistic construct.
From here the capacity for compassion, to love, to self forgive and to be grateful increases exponentially.
As we enthusiastically love surfacing emotion in the everpresent now, we experience increased creativity.
Let inspiration flourish. Let it happen/make it happen.
Dream a garden. Plant a garden. Reap the harvest.