Spiritual Awareness Comes Naturally With Consciousness Change

The four wholistic cornerstones of life, is a construct of our living light spectrum here on planet earth.

Spiritual awareness increases when the endocrine system is functioning well. Herein is the reason for beginning with physical principles, then emotion, then mental. You will experience the endocrine system booting back up from gonads to pineal (and everything in between). This natural evolution of consciousness strengthens us to keep going through the even greater challenges of transmutation within the mental body.

Another reminder of how important enzymes, minerals (trace), probiotics, raw protein, and EFA’s are in supporting the healing crisis (evolutionary movement). See the links on the first eight days of the fast for more indepth information.

As we upgrade the physical capacity, emotional willingness and mental focus, spiritual awareness is proportionally accessed in relation to these. What was once inaccessible opens to awareness. It is in the increasing awareness of emotional/mental resistance (attachment) where opportunities for change become available. The side effects of these changes are experienced in the physical and spiritual (seen and unseen).

Clairvoyance- inner vision is restored gradually as the emotional and mental body’s clear of resistance (through our efforts and application of the principles of transmutation). As is clairaudience- inner sound, clairsentience- awareness through feeling and omniscienceinner knowing.

In my experience, this is incremental, which allows spiritual awareness to increase gradually. This has nothing to do with belief, dogma or spiritual ideas. As we release resistance (anything less than love) we eventually expand our awareness of this light spectrum, which is but a sliver (less than 1%) of what is unseen.

Omniscience is our individual awareness of the connection all living beings hold. Firstly within this living light spectrum of earth and sun. As the ability to love unconditionally increases, realization is increased outside of this earthly light spectrum. Other dimensional awareness begins to surface. To experience expanded light, then to anchor this (hold it consciously) in the physical body, is spiritual adeptness. Here we must engage in active (immediate) recognition and transmutation of resistance as it appears. By the time we reach this level of awareness we have perfected our ability to do so.

The wholistic construct that this fast presents, offers the template to upgrade the capacity for increased spiritual awareness. Consciousness rising in Love, in Light and in Perfection- The Divine Blueprint.

By removing resistance within the mental/emotional/physical construct, freedom (expanded consciousness) is experienced accordingly.

Ascending consciousness occurs to the degree of self responsibility, willingness, efforts and action. At a certain point of awareness we crack the seal of this wholistic construct through surrender.

This is fuelled by the capacity to love, to forgive, and to be grateful.

To be open to greater capacities no matter how uncomfortable, continues us on the path of ascension of consciousness.

Holding increasing light quotient, requires consistent coherence (resonating with love) in body, emotion, thought and deed.

This is conscious spirituality.

If you are reading this, I assume you are constantly upgrading nutrition, have removed fluoride (drinking living water), aluminum cookware, removed mercury amalgams in your teeth, plastics and chemicals from your environment, and are not taking injections. Give the body much needed physical support.

As we release mental resistance, inner vision is opened ever further. Eventually we glimpse the heart where oneness, unconditional love exists. At this point it is a process of letting it happen/making it happen simultaneously.


I removed the ‘pillars of light’ diagram. If interested you can find it online. It is Drunvalo’s work.

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