The first few days of this fast focuses on physical aspects such as nutrition, addiction, detoxification and strengthening. Acknowledging the constant presence of the other 3 aspects of the wholistic construct. Physical principles precedes the other three in the natural bottom up, evolutionary sequence of consciousness change. This is the sequential revealing of unconsciousness, otherwise referred to as the Healing Crisis.

Each new day of the fast builds on the previous days.

In nature we look back to see clearly where we are going. See the video below on the Fibanacci sequence.

The Golden Ratio, the Torroidal field and the human MerKaBa field interact and bring energetic coherence of the electrical energies concentrated in the brain and heart. It is important to realize the perfection inherent within.

The Divine Blueprint.

Here are some rudimentary foundational knowledge, that we will build upon throughout the fast. The 5 platonic solids are building blocks of this 3rd dimensional matrix. When we know how to create, we can know how to uncreate.

The uncreation of patterns and programs stored unconsciously is the key to the evolution of consciousness.

YANG= Our creative power WITHIN- influenced by thought, word, emotion.

YIN= Our outer experience- Individual and collective.

It may or may not be necessary to know or understand geometry, mathematics etc…to evolve consciously. I needed it to find pathways through the intellect, where it was easier to uncreate unconscious patterns. Drunvalo’s books- The Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life- Vol 1 & 2 are well worthwhile in understanding ‘sacred geometry’. The matrix of 3rd dimensional creation.

I have been instructing Body Electronics for over 20 years, and it continues to be the most effective method in facilitating consciousness change, which precedes regeneration. It used to be called the Science of Regeneration back in the day.

John Ray, Doug Morrison- in the 1990’s


The Importance Of Water

We must be aware of the importance of water. Dr. Masaru and Kazuko Emoto’s work on water and consciousness is inspirational, displaying cause and effect experienced through the element of water. Sound (vibration), energies of words (internal, verbal or energetically internal), effects water directly. Water embodies the energies it is exposed to. Pure intent (love) is expressed in water. So is hate. As we are made up of mostly water, it is an inspiration to remove anything less than love from our consciousness which allows natural coherence (everything working together in harmony). Water holds the frequency of thought, word and emotion. Internally and externally.

Water is a foundational creation element in this BIOSPHERE we call EARTH.

Make WATER (optimal hydration) a foundation for this fast.

Drink sufficient amounts of the best quality SPRING WATER you can find.

In the early 2000’s I heard Masaru speak for the first time. His wife, Kazuko elegantly managed the entire presentation. I went on to support their work called HADO, through which I received an invitation to a intimate dinner out in the country near Toronto, where Masaru and I enjoyed some private moments on a cool night looking at the stars and smiling to each other. There were many more serendipitous meetings before his passing. At Mt. Shasta, at a Water Ceremony in Oregon with Grandmother Agnes etc. Those were precious times.

In the coming days let’s release, reduce and remove foods, drink and substance that do not support the healing crisis; that which hinders evolutionary movement.

If ‘it’ suppresses our ability to access pure awareness hence hindering the regenerative process, if it suppresses emotion, if it shrouds clear thought, if it disconnects us from our inner guidance and/or muddies our conscience then it is a substance that continues us on the involutionary pathway and discourages the Healing Crisis.

Continue to remove toxic food and drink, hygiene products and toxic cleaning products from the home.

Time to clean out the fridge, cupboards and closets. Literally, metaphorically and metaphysically.

Suppressed emotion will rise as we let go of substances that have held emotion behind the curtain of awareness. Keep the ‘Three Powers close’ as we traverse changes in consciousness.

Questions, comments and experiences are welcomed. As is shares and likes.

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