Wholistic Intuition
The question we need to ask ourselves is, are we changing in the evolutionary direction? Or are we on the involutionary path?
If we are on the evolutionary path the side effects include; getting clarity in thought, word and emotion. This opens us to the conscious connection to our internal awareness, where intuition resides.
When we listen to our body during Healing Crisis, in regards to what to eat for example, we will often receive compulsive reactions rather than clarity. Kinesiology (muscle testing) was removed from the work of Body Electronics, when it was discovered that this method tests opposite during H.C., and can be distorted with mental patterns. These are examples of how we can have mixed messages. Biochemical addiction, cravings may be misinterpreted as a need, fooling us to indulge in what is not good for us.
Emotional override happens when we give way to intellectual justifications.
During the Healing Crisis, the body is in a state of chaos prior to coherence. At this time, listening to the body as a guide will be inaccurate at best.
Following a successful Healing Crisis, we are naturally at a higher relative level of balance, further emotionally upscale, with greater awareness and clarity. From here we feel into what the body wants and doesn’t want. This happens incrementally, with emotional evolution. Discernment also evolves. This is an ongoing process of clarification.
The dance of life in the evolutionary spiral.
Did the meditation with my 29 year old son just before sunrise with candle light. These are the moments that makes a beautiful life.